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Steven Klein時尚搏擊會

藝術中國 | 時間: 2007-09-28 15:30:49 | 文章來源: 印象雜誌


Taste Untamed




  在Steven Klein的作品裏,總是籠罩一股陰沉之氣,有時攝影師的情緒看起來如此孤立。Klein作為頂級攝影師的最成功之處就在於,他創作了某些看似傷風敗俗卻又標誌性的形象,他找到了這些名人的“陰暗”與流行文化的契合點,並成功地將其販賣,就好像《美國週刊》飛下了報攤,《美國偶像》位列排行榜之首。


  “My whole thing is, nothing’s better, nothing’s more. Art isn’t better than fashion photography. With fashion photography and art, people have the same kind of hype about their work. But to say that it all means nothing doesn’t mean you have to take your work less seriously.”

  “Steven的優點就是它的作品與眾不同的地方,它審視黑暗面的方式,和那些我們不想集中去表現的邊緣事物。我意識到性感能夠成為商品,但是他的作品是一種更能觸摸的現實。”現代藝術博物館的攝影館長Susan Kismaric如是説。

  Susan Kismaric, a photography curator at the Museum of Modern Art. “Steven’s edge is what distinguishes the work, the way it examines the dark side, the side of things that we tend not to want to focus on. I mean, I realize that sex sells clothes, but his is a sexuality that is much more palpable and realistic.”

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