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藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-02-20 13:34:55 | 文章來源: 今日藝術網

時間:2009-3-2-2009-3-8 地區:香港


地點:香港Agnès b. 電影院

美國電影學院20/20計劃(2008-2009) /AFI Project: 20/20(2008-2009)

合辦:美國駐香港及澳門總領事館、香港藝術中心 /Co-presenters: U.S. Consulate General in Hong Kong and Macau, Hong Kong Arts Centre

地點:Agnès b. 電影院 /Venue: Agnès b. CINEMA!

免費入場(不設劃位,座位有限,先到先得)/Free Admission (Free seating, first-come-first-served)#

節目查詢 /Programme Enquiries: 2582 0273

留座 /Reservation:


門票將於日內郵寄送上。每人每場次最多可預留門票4張。 /Please e-mail to hhing@hkac.org.hk(with name, postal address, contact number, email address, film title and number of tickets required). Tickets will be delivered by post in due course. Maximum of 4 tickets per screening per reservation.


AFI (American Film Institute) Project 20/20 (2008-2009) is a programme co-organised by the U.S. Consulate General in Hong Kong and Macau and Hong Kong Arts Centre. With this Project, we hope cultivate talents for the film industry through collaboration with directors from various parts of the world, as well as enhance intercultural exchange, mutual respect and understanding through the screening of independent films, thereby encouraging free speech, tolerance of differences and respect for human dignity.

《水神》 /Faro - Goddess of the Waters

馬利 /Mali /2007 /彩色 /Col /DVD /96mins

班巴拉語對白,英文字幕 /In Bambara with English Subtitles

導演:沙烈夫·圖艾爾 /Dir: Salif Traoré

日期及時間 /Date &Time: 02/03 7:30pm


An engineer returns to the rural village of his birth in Mali many years after having been cast out for being born out of wedlock, to uncover the identity of his father and initiate a waterworks project. However, the fact that his arrival coincides with the drowning of a young villager alerts the village elders, who confer and determine that Faro, the spirit who rules the waters has been angered by Zanga''s return and the only way to appease her anger is with sacrifice. The African landscape is photographed beautifully and it deftly navigates the maelstrom of modern Africa while giving voice to the power of one individual to affect change.

《赤貧富翁》 /Amal

2008年美國電影學院達拉斯國際電影節觀眾投票敘事長片獎 /Winner of 2008 AFI Dallas International Film Festival Audience Narrative Feature

加拿大、印度 /Canada, India /2007 /彩色 /Col /DVD /101mins

英語、印地語對白,英文字幕 /In English &Hindi with English Subtitles

導演:烈治·麥他 /Dir: Richie Mehta

日期及時間 /Date &Time: 03/03 7:30pm


A humble rickshaw driver in Delhi, India who, by nature of his selflessness, influences a dying man to bequeath his fortune to him. Director Richie Mehta uses a delicate hand to convey old-fashioned yet profound values of goodwill and benevolence. Showing us an unvarnished India rich in flavour, Amal is a powerful and touching story of one man''s decency. Mehta brings a serene wisdom to Amal that captivates and transports us. It also viscerally conveys the feel of working-class Delhi. Nuanced performances from some of India''s most revered and beloved performers enhance the film''s authenticity and immediacy.

《黑白柔膚》 /Skin

英國 /UK /彩色 /Col /2008 /107mins

英語對白,無字幕 /In English without Subtitles

導演︰安東尼·費比安 /Dir: Anthony Fabian

演員 /Cast: Sophie Okonedo, 森·尼爾 /Sam Neill, Alice Krige

日期及時間 /Date &Time: 04/03 7:30pm


From a white African family but possessing of black African physical features, Sandra Laing defies the classifications that served as the foundation of South Africa''s systemic racism. Sandra is loved and nurtured by her parents. It is not until she is thrown out of the same all-white boarding school that her brother attends that reality sets in: Sandra will not have the same opportunities as everyone else in her family. Sandra''s parents immediately set out to have her legally classified as "white" in 1960s apartheid-era South Africa, setting in motion a legal battle that marks Sandra with the strength and self-awareness that ultimately enables her to embrace her identity and cultural legacy as an African woman. It is impossible to watch this film, which is based on a true story, without being swept up by the undercurrent of sadness.

映后座談會 /Post-screening Seminar

講者:安東尼.費比安(《黑白柔膚》導演)、博艾敦(香港大學非洲研究副教授) /Speakers:Anthony Fabian (Director of Skin), Dr Adams Bodomo (Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics and Coordinator, African Studies at HKU)

主持:沈旭暉(中文大學亞太研究所助理教授、國際關係研究計劃主任)/Moderator: Dr Simon Shen (Research Assistant Professor in the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK)

安東尼.費比安 /Anthony Fabian

生於三藩市,並就讀加洲大學洛杉磯電影及電視學院。他曾監製及執導有關古典音樂的電視紀錄片。《黑白柔膚》是他的首部長片。 /He was born in San Francisco and studied at the University of California-Los Angeles Film &Television School. He has produced and directed several television documentaries on classical music. Skin is his debut feature film.

《戀戀班卓琴》 /Throw Down Your Heart

美國電影學院SILVERDOCS最佳音樂錄影獎 /Winner of AFI SILVERDOCS Music Documentary

美國 /USA /2008 /彩色 /Col /DVD /97mins

班巴拉語、英語、法語、祖拉語及及史華希利語,英文字幕 /In Bambara, English, French, Jola, Swahili with English Subtitles

導演︰沙士查·柏拉甸奴 /Dir: Sascha Paladino

日期及時間 /Date &Time: 05/03 7:30pm


In his trailblazing 30-year career, Béla Fleck has brought the instrument into jazz, pop, classical and world music settings, and won eight Grammys along the way. Throw down Your Heart follows American banjo virtuoso Béla Fleck on his journey to Africa to explore the little known African roots of the banjo and record an album. It''s a boundary-breaking musical adventure that celebrates the beauty and complexity of Africa. Using his banjo, Fleck''s trip transcends barriers of language and culture and provides a glimpse into the incredibly rich and diverse musical traditions of Africa. He encounters a dizzying array of musicians who vary in skill and prestige, from superstars like the Malian diva Oumou Sangare, to the one who has mastered a 12-foot xylophone.

《絕世歌王》 /Of All the Things

薩拉索塔、楠塔基特及棕櫚灘觀眾投票獎 /Winner of the Audience Award, Sarasota, Nantucket and Palm Beach Film Festivals

美國 /USA /2008 /彩色 /Col /DVD /83mins

英語對白,無字幕 /In English without Subtitles

導演︰祖迪·林拔 /Dir: Jody Lambert

日期及時間 /Date &Time: 06/03 7:30pm



Dennis Lambert, a 60-year-old family man selling real estate in Florida, is about to embark on a whirlwind concert tour to the Philippines. His son Jody is taking a camera to document this historic moment in his father''s life, through the remote outer islands of the Philippines to a sold-out show at Manila''s famous Araneta Coliseum. One of the most successful and diverse songwriter-producers of the 70s and 80s, Lambert''s hits include Ain''t No Woman Like the One I''ve Got, Rhinestone Cowboy ,Don''t Pull Your Love and Baby Come Back. He had chart toppers in almost every genre of music, and at one point four of his songs were simultaneously on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, a feat previously accomplished only by the Beatles. Of All the Things offers an entertaining, exhilarating, warmly human and inspiring tale of the enduring power of the creative spirit.

《賴比瑞亞鐵娘子》 /Iron Ladies of Liberia

2008年美國電影學院達拉斯國際電影節十大最佳紀錄片獎 /Winner of Target Top Ten Award Best Documentary, AFI Dallas International Film Festival 2008

2007年巴哈馬國際電影節自由精神紀錄片獎 /Winner of Spirit of Freedom

Documentary Award, Bahamas International Film Festival 2007

美國、賴比瑞亞 /USA , Liberia /2007 /彩色 /Col /DVD /78mins

英語對白,英文字幕 /In English with English Subtitles

導演 :丹尼爾·尊格、詩雅堤·史葛·莊臣 /Dir: Daniel Junge, Siatta Scott Johnson

日期及時間 /Date &Time: 08/03 2:30pm

英國廣播公司的紀錄片系列「為何要民主?」的其中一部片集,在片首已提出「女性是否比男性更民主?」,只為標示二零零五 年十一月,艾倫o約翰遜o瑟利芙成為非洲第一位投票選出的女總統。瑟利芙的內閣迅即委任一群精明強幹的女性,以求重建賴比瑞亞,亦免於國家再延續幾近二十年的殘酷內戰所帶來的禍害。導演捕捉不少難以一見、也具歷史意義的鏡頭,見證非洲獨特的民主新一頁。

The film was broadcast internationally as part of BBC''s Why Democracy? season of films, BBC inserted a question "Are women more democratic than men?".at the opening of the film. After nearly two decades of brutal civil war, Liberia is a nation ready for change. In November 2005, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf became Africa''s first elected female president. The Sirleaf Cabinet quickly appointed a team of strong women over the course of their turbulent first year in office. They try to rebuild their country and prevent it from slipping back into civil war. With incredible access, the director is able to record these pivotal moments throughout this historic year, in a uniquely redemptive African story with a new paradigm for leadership around the world.

映后座談會 /Post-screening Seminar

講者:詩雅堤·史葛·莊臣(《賴比瑞亞鐵娘子》聯合導演)、何秀蘭(現任立法會議員) /Speakers: Siatta Scott Johnson (Co-Director of Iron Ladies of Liberia), Cyd Ho (Legislative Councilor)

詩雅堤·史葛·莊臣 /Siatta Scott-Johnson

1974年在賴比瑞亞布坎南出生,在大巴薩縣的農村長大。九十年代初期,由於大巴薩縣爆發內戰,她被逼逃到蒙羅維亞。內戰結束後,她在賴比瑞亞大學攻讀,並取得傳播係學士。她在賴比瑞亞電視臺DCTV出任記者及監製達五年,亦為Omuahtee非洲媒體的創辦成員。 /She was born in Buchanan, Liberia in 1974 and raised in rural Grand Bassa County, where she fled at the outbreak of war in the early 90s, and eventually settled in Monrovia. Johnson earned her BA in Mass Communications from the University of Liberia after the school re-opened following the civil war. She has five years of experience as a reporter and producer at DCTV, and is a founding member of Omuahtee Africa Media.

《重量級明星夢》 /American Fork

美國 /USA /2007 /彩色 /Col /DVD /94mins

英語對白,無字幕 / In English without Subtitles

導演:基斯·包文 /Dir: Chris Bowman

演員 /Cast:威廉·寶雲 /William Baldwin, Mary Lynn Rajskub, Kathleen Quinlan

日期及時間 /Date &Time: 08/03 5:30pm


At nearly 400 pounds, Tracy is a wide target. When he sets out to pursue his dream of acting, the grocery clerk finds an assortment of people to dash his dreams: his acting coach, who has designs on his sister Peggy; his juvenile-delinquent friends who suck him into their petty crimes; and his God-fearing, self-loathing mother. Through it all, Tracy remains irrepressibly upbeat, convinced he''s destined for something big. Charming and full of humanity, American Fork is full of delightfully colourful characters. Fuelled by the performances of the whole quirky cast, American Fork moves beyond the familiar, into the memorable.

《拳王之夢》 /Kassim the Dream

2008年美國電影學院觀眾投票獎及最佳紀錄片獎 /Winner of AFI FEST 2008 Audience Award and Festival Best Documentary

美國 / USA /2008 /彩色 /Col /DVD /87mins

英語對白,英文字幕 /In English with English Subtitles

導演:基夫·大衛遜 /Dir: Kief Davidson

執行監製:福裏斯特·惠特克 /Executive Producer: Forest Whitaker

日期及時間 /Date &Time: 08/03 7:30pm


Kassim "The Dream" Ouma is the 2004 IBF Junior Middleweight champion of the world, and a former Ugandan child soldier who was abducted into a rebel army at the age of six. Kassim brings this powerful and painful personal history into the ring with him every time he fights. Despite the fact that Kassim is closer to the American Dream than most people will ever be, his wartime experiences in Africa still gnaw at his conscience. Kassim isn''t asking for anything more than a safe return to the country he fled, but the government publicly declares that if Kassim returns to Uganda, he will be tried for desertion and, if found guilty, executed. Director Kief Davidson gives us an intimate portrait of a charismatic young athlete who has reached the point in his life when he feels compelled to transform a legacy of sorrow into hope and inspiration.

六歲以下幼童不得進場 /Children under the age of 6 will not be admitted

節目如有任何更改,恕不另行通知 /Programme is subject to change without prior notice.

如有任何爭議,主辦單位擁有最終之決策權 /Organisers/Presenters reserve the right of final decision in event of dispute.

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