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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-05-11 15:15:24 | 文章來源: 騰訊音樂

6月17日 Thursday 星期四


特別嘉賓 Special guests: Xiao He + Xiao Dong (Vj).

6月18日 Friday 星期五

World Refugee Day

Featuring Funk Fever &bands tba

6月19日 Saturday 星期六




晚9點 // 50元

DAFAY &SKYSCRAPER debut album “R&B” Release Party

Special Guest: LAO LANG, TOOKOO, MC Webber

Pm 9 // Rmb 50

6月23日 Wednesday 星期三

JAVA (法國 France)

中法文化之春今年將第二次迎來Java樂隊。今年,這個説唱-風笛組合將推出他們的新專輯 Maudits franais ,這也是武漢音樂節的主打,將讓中國觀眾心醉神迷。



Bistrol Banto(打擊樂)和Pépouseman(低音)從草創時期就加入了組合。2000年,Java出版了第一部專輯:Hawai;2001年完成一台現場實錄:塞納河上的Java;2003年出版第二部專輯:巡遊(部分在巴西完成)。2008年,Java在K-Mille的指揮下重新走上錄音棚之路,並完成一部新專輯(Jean Lamoot錄音合成):Maudit Franais于2009年4月由Makasound發行。

合作:86/33 link,法國駐華使館

晚9點 // 130元 / 100元(預售)

JAVA was founded in 1999 around FIXI (accordeon, keyboards, compositions) and R.WAN (vocals, lyrics). Their first album, ""Hawa" (SonyBMG) —released in 2000 —met with great success (selling more than 70,000 copies).BISTROL BANTO (drums) and PEPOUSEMAN (bass) joined up the combo, and the venture hit the road. After a live recording in 2001 ("Java sur Seine"), their second album, "Safari Croisière" was released in 2003. It was partially recorded in Brazil. Hundreds of concerts, major festivals (Vieilles Charrues, Printemps de Bourges...) and a few trips abroad later (Australia, Brazil, China, Spain...), JAVA decided to part from their record company, SONY.Mutual incompatibility, divergence of opinion...Then began a period of personal projects for all.R.WAN released two solo albums (Radio Cortex 1 and 2) in 2006 and 2008. During this time, Bistrol Banto joined him on stage. Meanwhile, Fixi toured with Tony Allen and in 2006, prompted an encounter with Winston McAnuff and Java on the album "Paris Rockin’" (Makasound). A tour comprising about a hundred dates followed.After a whole year of hard work, Java finally bring out their third album, "Maudit Franais" (2T3M/Makasound/Pias).

Pm 9 // Rmb 130/100 (presale)

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