

加州藝術學院策展專業Graduate Program in Curatorial Practice, California College of the Arts, San Francisco, USA


Xiaoyu Weng 翁笑雨


裏·馬爾科普洛斯Leigh Markopoulos





The Graduate Program in Curatorial Practice at California College of the Arts was the first of its kind on the West Coast, and it remains the only program to offer an expanded perspective on curating contemporary art and culture. Alongside an investigation of the history of exhibitions, the program privileges collaborative, artist-led, and other curatorial initiatives that challenge and advance existing paradigms of exhibition making. Reflecting San Francisco’s geographic location and cultural histories, the curriculum also emphasizes curatorial and art practices in Asia and Latin America.



In the first year, the course consists of 10 classes (four year-long seminars, one writing seminar, and one elective) providing an intensive learning environment through which to acquire essential practical and theoretical curatorial skills. Students are expected to participate in research and exhibition projects, to give individual class presentations, as well as to complete regular writing assignments. Extra-curricular internships are also encouraged to enhance specific practical skills.


In the second year, the emphasis is placed on self-directed learning. With fewer core classes, the knowledge and skills that students gain over the first year is put to the test when the class collaboratively curates and produces an exhibition and accompanying catalog. During their second year, students also conduct independent research for a written thesis on an art historical subject of their choice.



Sample Course Descriptions

Curatorial Models. Throughout the first year this two-part course will look at the structures and strategies behind different curatorial models, focusing on the history of exhibition-making and the development of ideas in each genre examined. Using case studies, the models of practice will include: the public museum or gallery; the biennial; interdisciplinary institutions; artist-led initiatives and institutional critique; art in the public realm; collections and the auction house; expanded museology; virtual curating and digital technologies; film and video; performance.


Exhibition Practice. This class offers practical information and advice in exhibition making, programming, project management and commissioning. Taught by a range of professionals over the first year, topics will include the following: Loan exhibitions (budgets and fundraising; art handling, registration and condition reports; loans, transport and insurance; exhibition design; installation). Extended dialogues (education, interpretation, commissioning for exhibitions and developing residencies). Working with collections (acquisitions) and the art market (dealers and collectors). Exhibition publishing and print production. Permanent siting(public art management).


Professional Development. Continued over both years of the program, professional development provides a framework for creating a deeper and more personal understanding of the processes of curating. Students will develop diverse strategies to extend their knowledge and expertise. These will include regular attendance of exhibitions; visits to related social and cultural institutions; independent research into artists’ and curators’ processes and practice; short-term work placements; group projects; studio visits; the development of international networks and dialogues; discussions with visiting artists, curators and arts professionals and research into cultural resources.

藝術中國 | 時間: 2014-02-25 09:00:57 | 文章來源: 藝術中國
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