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【演講者介紹】張敢(Zhang Gan)

藝術中國 | 時間: 2013-11-09 14:34:36 | 文章來源: 藝術中國
張敢(Zhang Gan)(觀看視頻)

     Zhang Gan is Vice Dean and Professor of Western Art History at the Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University. Zhang chaired the research projects of Western Christian Art Study (National “Tenth Five-Year” Plan Youth Foundation for Arts and Science) and Study on American Art of 20th Century (2006 Research Project of Tsinghua University Humanities and Social Sciences Rehabilitation Fund), etc. He has published monographs and textbooks such as Victory of Painting? Victory of USA?–Study on American Abstract Expressionist Painting (Beijing: Culture and Art Publishing House, 2002), European Fine Arts in the 19th Century, Second Volume (Beijing: China Renmin University Press, 2004), Compendium of Foreign Art History(Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2008) and so on. He has also published over 20 articles on western art history, especially on American modern art and Italian renaissance. He teaches many courses for graduate and undergraduate students at the level of department, academy and university. In 2003 he won the Excellent Teaching Award for Young Teachers from Tsinghua University, in 2007 he was selected in the New Century Personnel Support Program of Ministry of Education of China, and in the same year selected in Beijing New Century Hundred Personnel Program in Social Sciences. Zhang is currently editor-in-chief of Tsinghua Arts, an academic journal published by Tsinghua publishing house.


Preview fo the Speech:

History of A Nation in Art:the Exhibition Art in America: 300 Years of Innovation

The exhibition Art in America: 300 Years of Innovation was organized by The Salomon R. Guggenheim Foundation in partnership with the Terra Foundation for American Art. The curatorial team that assembled the show was lead by the Director of the Guggenheim Foundation Thomas Krens. The exhibition was shown at the National Art Museum of China in Beijing from February to April 2007 and Museum of Contemporary Art in Shanghai from May to June 2007. A full color, lavishly illustrated 350 page catalogue was published in Chinese and English versions. The exhibition represented a major effort to present the history of American Art, from the colonial period to the present, to the Chinese public. Its reception in China was generally very positive. While the majority of Chinese scholars and audiences who saw the show thought that it presented 300 years of art history, I will argue that, in fact, the exhibition presented a history of a nation, the United States, though art. The chronological ordering of the exhibition and a timeline of historic events prominently displayed at the exhibition established this as the dominant narrative of the exhibition. Every section of the exhibition had a close relationship with American history. As a result, the exhibition proved a very success strategy to spread American values embedded in its history.



“美國藝術三百年:適應與革新”展 由古根海姆基金會主辦,泰拉基金會協辦。策展團隊負責人為古根海姆基金會主管托馬斯·科倫。展覽于2007年2月至4月在中國美術館舉行,同年的5月至6月,在上海當代藝術博物館展出, 並以中英雙語出版了一本350頁的全彩插圖畫冊。此次展覽成功地向中國公眾展示了從殖民地時期到當下的美國藝術史, 得到了非常積極的反響。儘管大多數中國學者和觀眾認為此次展覽向他們展示的是300年的美國美術史,但我卻認為這次美術史展覽實際展示的是國家史。時間順序和歷史性事件的時間線成為展覽的主要敘述方式。展覽的每一部分都與美國歷史有著密切的關係。最終,這個展覽成為將美國價值觀嵌入美國史之中進行傳播這一策略的成功典範。



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