胡有辰 潘泓鋼

藝術中國 | 時間: 2012-04-12 14:27:41 | 文章來源: 藝術中國





Pan Honggang

2004 Graduated from Attached middle school of Sichuan academy of Fine Arts

2009 Graduated from the sculpture department of Sichuan academy of Fine Arts

2009 His art work “If There is If” won the Earl of Cromer Scholarship Awards for the best Chinese contemporary artists

2010 Took part in the 36th Overseas Artists Guest Exhibition, and was on the shortlist of “Zhan Xiaogang Awards”

2011 Held solo exhibition “Them or Us” in Beijing Magician Space




Hu Youchen

2004 Graduated from Attached middle school of Sichuan academy of Fine Arts

2009 Graduated from the sculpture department of Sichuan academy of Fine Arts

2009 His art work “If There is If” won the Earl of Cromer Scholarship Awards for the best Chinese contemporary artists

2010 Took part in the 36th Overseas Artists Guest Exhibition, and was on the shortlist of “Zhan Xiaogang Awards”

2011 Held solo exhibition “Them or Us” in Beijing Magician Space



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