
藝術中國 | 時間: 2012-04-12 14:26:28 | 文章來源: 藝術中國




I am always trying to illustrate one kind of logical relation by using the art approaches. This kind of relation is probably too common to realize it in our daily life. I like to find the pleasure of art in ordinary life. Instead of complicate objects, I like those unintuitive but palpable things and those wisdoms that exist but are not understood by others. They are just like one kind of sound that is unable to produce, and one kind of smell that is hard to express. What you only know is that it is just over there. I do not know whether art can be one job or it just means that you can do “the things you like” at some allowable time point.

下一頁陳飛上一頁胡有辰 潘泓鋼
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