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藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-04-16 11:56:30  | 文章來源: 藝術中國

國際中國美術家協會 執行主席
1956年 中央美術學院油畫係畢業 從中央美院附中到大學8年科班
中國,中國美術館《春》油畫 ——1982年
澳門,賈梅市博物館《龜茲少女》、《吐魯秀姑娘》 ——1986年
日本,福田博私人收藏《古老的船》等24件作品 ——1990年
美國,簡妮.尼爾遜私人收藏《敦煌飛天》的等3件作品 ——1991年
1、《西域新娘》101cm X 75.5cm
2、《包頭女》121cm X 152cm
3、《春天的白樺》76cm X 61cm
4、《美好人間》130cm X 97cm
5、《白樺林一群馬》150cm X 140cm
6、《蒙古女孩》122cm X 91cm
7、《北方的夏天》140cm X 84cm
8、《紅頭巾女孩》91cm X 122cm

9、《飛天》(四連幅)91cm X 152cm X4 (1) (2) (3) (4)
10、《風吹草低》150cm X 120cm
11、《祝酒歌》204cm X 182cm
12、《揭開面紗的伊莎娜》121cm X 121cm
13、《天堂》120cm X 120cm (1) (2)

Guan Qige
Art Resume:
Executive Chairman of International China Artist Association
Professor of Central University for Nationalities
1956, graduated from Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts
Eight years of regular professional training from the Fine Arts School attached to the Central Academy of Fine Arts to undergraduate course in this Academy
1996, "Love in My Dream" got Japanese gold medal
2003, "Green Dream---Flying Apsaras" got American Hollywood Gold Key Arts Award
Collected Works:
1982, Oil Paintings"Spring", Chinese Art Gallery, China
1986, "Guizi girls," "Tuluxiu girl", Jammeh City Museum, Macao
1990, 24 works as "ancient ship" were collected by FUKUDA HIROSHI, Japan
1991, 3 woks as " Flying Apsaras of Dunhuang " were collected by Jeanie•Nelson, The United States
Guan Qige is a Mongolian Oil Painting artist who wants to go all over the world on horse
Works at This Exhibition:
1,"the Bride in Western Regions " 101 cm X 75.5cm
2,"Wimpled Women" 121 cm X 152cm
3," Birch in Spring " 61 cm X 76cm
4,"Wonderful World" 130 cm X 97cm
5,"Horses in the Birch Forest" 150 cm X 140cm
6,"Mongolian Girls" 122 cm X 91cm
7,"Summer of the North " 140 cm X 84cm
8," the girl in the red scarf" 91 cm X 122cm
9,"Flying Apsaras" (four pieces) 91 cm X 152cm X4
10," the Grass Bends as the Wind Blows" 150 cm X 120cm
11,"Song For Toast" 204 cm X 182cm
12," Unveiled Yishana" 121 cm X 121cm
13,"Heaven" 120 cm X 120cm

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