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藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-04-16 11:37:54  | 文章來源: 藝術中國








Li Jie (Female)

1978, passed the graduate entrance examination of Oil Painting Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts
1994, held exhibition in National Museum of History
1996, held exhibition in China National Museum of Fine Arts

Artist Li Jie who enjoys art from a child shows unique insight into Chinese traditional painting, seal calligraphy as well as music. She successively learned traditional Chinese painting, landscape painting and calligraphy from three artists Jiang Zhaohe, Zhou Haimin and Zhao Puchu and made great progress because of getting instruction of some Calligraphy and Paintings Masters such as Li Kuchan, Li Keran, Fu Yu, Wu Guanzhong, Ding Shaoguang, Liu Bingsen and so on during systems study. In 1978, she passed the graduate entrance examination of Oil Painting Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts; the present president of Central Academy of Fine Arts Jin Shangyi gave her instruction by himself. After graduating, she rarely leaves her home, painstakingly studies oil painting art for dozens of years and adds many western painting styles such as Impressionist, futuristic, abstract and so on into her vigorous, free and easy, and vivid creation.

In 1994, at the invitation of Royal Netherlands Embassy in China, she finished the portrait oil painting of her Majesty Queen of Netherlands at that time through four years of experience of painting. The painting was collected by Netherlands Embassy in China, of which the portrait is being hung in the mail hall.

In 1995, Li Jie’s work “Burning Peony” was collected by Mr. Peter•Ludwig. Mr. Peter is the father of chocolate in Europe and outstanding art critics after World War II, who disclosed the abstract paintings of the Western art and has donated freely original art which is worth 200 million US dollars to Chinese Government.

Works at this Exhibition:

“the Portrait of Dutch Queen Ⅰ” (Oil Painting)
“the Portrait of Dutch Queen Ⅱ” (Oil Painting)

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