
藝術中國 | 時間: 2007-10-21 17:38:30 | 文章來源: 藝術中國









2007年 首屆70後藝術家邀請展 杭州 德國

2007年 中國當代最有潛力藝術家聯展 德國

2007年 完美生活 新無産者青年藝術家第二回聯展 上海

2007年 “風景 作文”齊文清油畫作品展 北京

2007年 首屆環鐵國際藝術展 北京

2006年 在環鐵藝術區成立自己的工作室 北京

2005年 “視覺驚艷”上海青年美術大展 上海

2005年 徐悲鴻藝術學院畢業展 北京

2004年 “齊文清 王雲衝” 兩人油畫展 北京

2004年 徐悲鴻藝術學院師生優秀作品展 北京

2004年 徐悲鴻藝術學院油畫第一工作室油畫展 北京

2003年“民生證券杯”繪畫油畫一等獎 北京

2002年 多幅素描被徐悲鴻藝術學院收藏 北京

2001年 入中國人民大學徐悲鴻藝術學院油畫係 北京

2000年 在濟南先後跟隨朱剛 李濟民等老師學習素描 濟南

1999年 跟隨傅志強老師開始學習繪畫 濱州


《“風景 作文”齊文清油畫作品》《中國當代藝術文獻》《當代藝術家工作室》


《環球遊報》《京華時報》 美術同盟網 雅昌藝術網 中國藝術網等


Qi Wenqing

Born in Shandong Province of China in 1980

Graduated from Oil-painting Major of Xu Beihong Art School, Renmin University of China.

Now I am living in Ring Subway Area, Dashanzi, Chaoyang District, Beijing as a professional artist.

Main activities:

2007 The First Exhibition of the top Chinese potential artists Germen.

2007 The 10th International Art Fair in Beijing Beijing

2007 Perfect Life—the Second Exhibition of the young proletarian Artists Shanghai

2007 Scenery&Composition—Qin Wenqing’s Oil Paintings Show. Beijing.

2007 The First International Art Exhibition in Ring Subway, Beijing.

2006 Having my own studio in Ring Subway Art Area. Beijing.

2005 Optical Entertainment—Youth oil Painting Exhibtion in Shanghai.

2005 Diploma Exhibition in Xu Beihong Art School, Beijing.

2004 The Exhibition of Oil Paintings by Qi Wenqing & Wang Yunchong, Beijing.

2004 The Exhibion of Exellent Works By teachers and students in Xu Beihong Art School, Beijing.

2004 The Exhibition of the Oil paintings by the First Studio in Xu Beihong Art School, Beijing.

2003 Won the first Prize in the Match of Minsheng Stock Cups, Beijing.

2002 Many Pencil Sketch drawings were collected by Xu Beihong Art School, Beijing.

2001 Was enrolled in the oil Painting Major in Renmin University of China.

2000 Learned pencil sketch from the teachers named Zhu Gang and Li Jimin in Jinan, Jinan.

1999 Started to learn drawing from the teacher Fu Zhiqiang, Binzhou.

Presentitive works and publications:

Scenery&Composition—Qin Wenqing’s Oil Paintings, Contemperary Art Literature in China,

Contemperary Artists’ Studio,

The collection Optical Entertainment—Youth oil Painting Exhibtion .

Fine Art Newspaper,

Calligraphy and Paintings,

Beijing Youth Weekly,

the Global Travel Newspaper

Jinghua Times

Fine Art Union Network

Yachang Art network

Chinese Art newwork etc.

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