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藝術中國 | 時間: 2007-06-18 10:38:34  | 文章來源:藝術中國

Jiang Weitao / Art Documents No. 51 / 文獻之五十一
2007,Oil on Canvas / 布面油畫, 50 x 50 cm





電話:6438 1005  傳真:6432 2624

電子郵件:redgategallery@aer.net.cn 網址:www.redgategallery.com

Art Documents


Jiang Weitao

Preview Date: Saturday, July 28, 3 - 6 pm

Exhibition Dates: July 28 - August 19, 2007

Gallery Hours

11 am - 6 pm (Tue - Sun)


798 - Dashanzi, 2 Jiuxianqiao Lu (Opposite White Space)

Chaoyang District, Beijing

Tel  6438 1005  Fax  6432 2624

E-mail  redgategallery@aer.net.cn Website  www.redgategallery.com

Jiang Weitao / Art Documents No. 52 / 文獻之五十二
2007,Oil on Canvas / 布面油畫, 50 x 50 cm





抽象藝術風格的形成,基於藝術家對點、線、面的選擇和理解。我選擇了純粹的縱線、橫線、斜線、弧線......並且我認為其實質上代表著中國人觀察世界,表達意象的古來淵源。我企圖用這樣的語言傳遞出更多精神性的東西和中國古典哲學的內涵。   我不太願意關注表面的形式,更吸引我的是個人精神與環境的避讓關照、動靜進退,籍此而傳達出的中國人血液裏哲學思想。她吸引我樂此不疲的理由,是因為她的本質與純粹。

我的畫整體是理性的結果。我憑感性在下意識中完成我的繪畫。觀眾亦在下意識中完成與我的交流。我認為一切發生的都很平靜,下意識的發生,下意識的結束。思想的傳遞從來都沒必要顯山露水 。

批評家  龔雲表 先生的評論:



Subconscious------Abstract Art and Me


y inspiration comes directly from Chinese characters and the voluminous inscribed bamboo-slips. Quoting from Mr. Qianmu, Chinese characters can be concluded into an original and unique art form created by Chinese people. Evolved from being pictographic to imagery and emblematic, Chinese characters use horizontal, vertical and arch lines to express images or events. That’s why Chinese calligraphy and painting still describe image and events with arch lines. So we can draw the conclusion that Chinese characters, calligraphy and painting, even Chinese literature inherited the same spirit. “They all intend to represent complexity with simplicity, concrete with abstract.” This spirit is pursued constantly by European artists. I honestly believe that it is the oriental heritage, deeply, and inevitably.

The formulation of the abstract art form is based on artists’ understanding and selection of dots, lines and planes. I selected the simplest lines, horizontal, vertical, oblique, or arch, and consider them to be the archaic origin of how Chinese people see the world and express consciousness. I’m trying to use it as a language to transmit more spiritual aspect and connotation of Chinese classical philosophy.

I do not care much for external forms. Instead, what attracts me is the harmonious between individual spirit and environment, stillness and movement, forward and reverse, which thus express the philosophy in Chinese heritage. It is the pure essence that attracts me.

My work as a whole is the outcome of rationality. I draw under sensibility and sub-consciousness, and in the same way my audience communicates with me. I believe all of this happens in tranquility where sub-consciousness occur and diminish. The transmission of ideas never has to be superficial.

“The unique aesthetic conception is constructed by pure, hypostatic and personalized symbols and language.”
------ The comments by critic Yun Biao, Gong


Jiang Weitao / Art Documents No. 53 / 文獻之五十三
2007,Oil on Canvas / 布面油畫, 100 x 80 cm
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