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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-01-19 13:03:19 | 文章來源: 中國藝術新聞網


  巴塞羅那訊    在加泰洛尼亞政府的協作下,米羅基金會增添了17件來自米羅家族的原創紙上作品.並且這17件畫作將作為該基金會的持久展出作品。 


  本次展覽的這17件紙上作品作于1931~1953年,作畫材料是這一時期畫家使用最頻繁的。畫家在創作中使用材料廣泛,從砂紙、紙板到新聞紙等等,所選材料最接近畫家的表達方法。                                                                                                                                   (丁丁譯)


BARCELONA.- The Joan Miró Foundation is adding seventeen new original works on paper, loaned by the Miró family, to its permanent displays. With the assistance of the Catalan Government, it has also remodelled its Permanent Collection. 

The Miró Foundation opened its doors in 1975 as a centre for contemporary art where both experts and the general public could come into contact with Miró’s work through the pieces the artist, as well as his friends and relatives, donated to the institution. Together, all these items make up the largest collection of the artist’s work.

The museum holdings have now been extended to include seventeen original works on paper, produced between 1931 and 1953, a loan from the Miró family. Over the years, paper was the material that Joan Miró most frequently used, and he worked with all kinds, from sandpaper and cardboard to newspaper and other printed materials. His artistic output in this medium was innovative and daring. Moreover, the immediacy resulting from working on paper allows for a closer look at the artist’s method.


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