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尤倫斯當代藝術中心 近期活動展訊

藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-01-18 09:58:04 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

1月16日 14:00-15:30



January 16, 14:00-15:30

Auditorium / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

Just like a child’s development, each new product has a very individual story. SHAN’s designers will disclose what is behind their most forward thinking design projects and discuss their ideas about design with UCCA audiences.


1月21日 14:00-15:30



January 21, 14:00-15:00

Auditorium / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

Wu Qiuyan teaches new media at CAFA. His work involves art and design, and how new media in the social arena stands at the heart of current international developments. In this talk he will present different perspectives on working with new media, and the possible interactions between their various usages.


1月23日 10:30-12:00



January 23, 10:30-12:00

Auditorium / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

For the second edition of the Multi-media in Public Spaces series,? the designer Fei Jun (CAFA) will share his own perspective on multi-media ‘s and the Relationship between Hybrid space? and expanded media.


1月24日 14:00-15:30

報告廳 /講座免費

Evan Osnos,一個地地道道的紐約客,為許多美國人文雜誌報道過中國;他審慎取題以希望能讓國外讀者能看到一個與他們原本想像不同的一個更加真實的中國。是什麼能讓紐約客的讀者如此青睞他的文章?在這一期,Evan Osnos將討論他的有代表性的一些文章。

January 24, 14:00-15:30

Auditorium / Entry Free

Reporting on China for the ultimate American cultural magazine: The New Yorker, Evan Osnos carefully selects his topics in the hope of giving a distant audience a glimpse of China that they might not expect.


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