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藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-11-06 09:58:08 | 文章來源: 今日藝術網

時間:2009-11-7-2010-2-28 地區:北京 主辦機構:別處空間 地點:北京市朝陽區酒仙橋路4號798藝術區798東街

彭薇, 牧馬圖之二, 繪畫裝置, 53 x 30 x 22 cm, 2008 Peng Wei, Grazing No.2, Painting Installation, 53 x 30 x 22 cm, 2008

2009年11月7日下午3點,“成人童話—女性當代藝術展”將在798藝術區的別處空間開幕。 本次展覽集中展出了 陳慶慶、崔岫聞、韓婭娟、姜傑、劉俐蘊、劉韌、彭薇、商亮、 陶娜、向京、楊納十一位女性藝術家的作品。

楊納,不是毒藥,130 x 120 cm, 布面油畫,2009 Yang Na, Not poison, 130 x 120 cm, Oil on canvas, 2009


參展藝術家: 陳慶慶、崔岫聞、韓婭娟、姜傑、劉俐蘊、劉韌、彭薇、商亮、陶娜、向京、楊納策展人:柳淳風開幕酒會:2009年11月7日下午3:00至6:00 展期:2009年11月7日至2010年2月28日地點:別處空間地址:北京市朝陽區酒仙橋路4號798藝術區798東街

如需詳細資訊,請聯繫國內媒體負責人孫士嫻 (email:info@beyondartspace.com)

Real-Life Fairy Tales Female Artists Group Show

The exhibition "Real-Life Fairy Tales" reflects female artists’ contemplation on social reality. Unlike their male counterparts who express their attention to reality in a direct, intensive, and non-conceptual manner, they seem to intentionally represent their observation of life in an opaque way. They intend to extend their dream world and maintain their fairy-tale-like imagination with their artworks. In a sense, this way has become a methodology of art which is unique to China’s female artists. We can see from the artworks of the exhibition that many artists combine silk, cotton and the color red to display their art style marked by a fairy tale and they demonstrate the uniqueness of China’s female art. What makes Chinese female art different from its Western counterpart is that Western female art typically revolves around women’s rights, whereas Chinese female art seems to attach more importance to traditional values, the reflection of reality and art itself. The eleven female artists are very good examples of this.

向京, 砰!玻璃鋼著色,160x110x162 cm , 2002 Xiang Jing,Bang! Painted fibre glass, 160x110x162 cm, 2002


Participating Artists: Chen Qingqing, Ciu Xiuwen, Han Yajuan, Jiang Jie, Liu Liyun, Liu Ren, Peng Wei, Shang Liang, Tao Na, Xiang Jing, Yang Na

Curator: Liu Chunfeng Opening Reception: November 7th from 3:00 - 6:00 pm Duration: November 7 through February 28, 2009 Venue: Beyond Art Space (Beijing 798) Address: 798 East Street, 798 Art District, No. 4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100015 China

Please contact Mila Bollansee at beyondartspace@gmail.com for more information.

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