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藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-10-23 09:20:42 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

Japanese silkscreen Engraving Artist——Hisami Kunitake

Achievement and experience:

Born in 1930 in Fukuoka, Japan County, died in 2008 at the age of 78 years.

1951-1952 NIKA Association of the Commercial Department of Fine Arts Award for NIKA Association

1954-1559 a top award in National Tourism posters show for six consecutive years

1968-1970 works included in Tourism newspaper in Switzerland, the United Kingdom for three consecutive years

1979-1994, 9 personal-work exhibitions in cities like Tokyo, Kobe, Fukuoka, Okinawa, Saga

1989,1994,1996,1997,2002,2004 the Special Prize and the printing department news agency award on Japanese calendars show

2007 works presented by NHK

March, 2007 a personal-work exhibition in Tianqing gallery in Shanghai, China.

December 2008 the art galleries and trade show in the 3rd China Beijing International Cultural & Creative Industry Expo

Mr. Hisami Kunitake devotes all his life to silk screen engraving and his works rival the best in Japan. As an artist, he also applies his great kindness and selfless love to his work so that people can enjoy the peace from them. The simplicity in his paintings, in combination with beauty and elegance, implicates profundity and offers a cleansing effect on the audience.

His work not only won numerous honors, but also received highly appreciation from world-famous architect Kisho Kurokawa and the late well-known writer,Sirasu Masako , and other people from all walks of life.

Mr.Hisami Kunitake creates an absolutely exquisite pieces of work With profound artistic skills and he also enjoys the great happiness while sharing his meaningful understanding of beauty and life with the audience. This is why his works are easily accepted.

Art has no national boundaries, let’s communicate with him by heart.







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