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藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-04-27 17:55:08 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

    Korean art boasts over 5000 year’s history. The traditional craftsmanship and philosophy in art making are still descended to the contemporary art. Unlike other emerging contemporary art sectors in Asia such as Chinese, Japanese and Indian, one cannot find it easy to recognize or identify Korean contemporary art as the styles and practices are so diverse. Partially, it is due to individual characteristics of Korean people preferring secluded art making environment in pursuing uniqueness among the peer group.

Junghyun Yoo_Shape of the moon-transit#3_pigment, acrylic on canvas_200x180cm_2007

Junghyun Yoo_Crossing_pigment, acrylic on canvas_100x80cm_2009


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