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藝術中國 | 時間: 2007-03-20 14:32:11 | 文章來源: 《中國藝術家》


    徐唯辛,1978年考入西安美術學院師範係,1985年考入浙江美術學院油畫係研究生班,1987年油畫《馕房》獲首屆中國油畫展大獎;畢業于浙江美術學院油畫係,獲碩士學位;後又赴廣州美術學院油畫係任教。現為中國人民大學徐悲鴻藝術學院教授 、院長助理、繪畫系主任、中國美術家協會會員。1999年,油畫《酸雨》入選第九屆全國美展並獲銅獎。2004年,油畫《工棚》入選第十屆全國美展及北京《世紀風采》展,獲第十屆全國美展銀獎。





1987年 油畫《馕房》獲首屆中國油畫展大獎 
1994年 《酥油茶館》入選第八屆全國美展 
1997年 油畫《聖地拉薩》入選“1997當代中國藝術展”
1999年 油畫《酸雨》入選廣東省美展,獲銀質獎;第九屆全國美展獲銅獎 
2000年 作為中國百年160位傑出油畫家之一編入6卷大型典籍《20世紀中國油畫》;油畫《酸雨》入選20世紀中國油畫展
2004年 油畫《工棚》入選第十屆全國美展及北京《世紀風采》展,獲第十屆全國美展銀獎、北京市政府文藝獎、北京市政府文學藝術獎和北京市美術作品展覽佳作獎;《打工圖》、《1976·龍年》入選“世紀風骨50家展”。


Realistic Masterpiece That“Moves the Life”-Interview with Professor Xu Weixin of Xu Beihong School of Arts

    Laborers and miners are common people, as well as laudable group. During my interview with Xu Weixin, a professor in the Xu Beihong School of Arts, he said, “I like common people’s lives and so, I persist to my painting style. It is my goal and belief to paint China’s current theme with my realistic painting style to reflect humanitarian concerns.” He also noted meaningfully, “Aestheticism and commercialism paintings are already out of date and cannot express my interior world. I never consider the market when I paint. Previously, I went to a coal mine in Hebei Province and I drew a miner who was burnt in an accident. This painting reflects miners’ true life in contemporary China.”

Keeping a sincere, sympathetic, and virtuous heart, Professor Xu creates many vivid images of laborers with his strict working attitude, active paintbrushes and abundant colors. He goes deep into coal mines to experience miners’ life and spends the time when other people drink tea and coffee on painting.

His early representative pieces include Holy Land Lhasa, Acid Rain, Naan House and Market. All these paintings have many characters with vivid and abundant facial expressions and harmonious and graceful tone.

Xu Weixin entered Teachers’ Department of China Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts in 1978 and studied in the postgraduate class of the Oil Painting Department of Zhejiang Academy of Art in 1985 and got the Master Degree after graduation. His painting Naan House won the first prize in the first China Oil Painting Exhibition in 1987. Later, he taught in the Oil Painting Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. Now he is a professor of Xu Beihong School of Arts of Renmin University, as well as the president assistant of the school, Dean of the Painting Department and a member of China Artists Association. In 1999, his oil painting Acid Painting won the bronze prize in the ninth National Arts Exhibition. In 2004, his oil painting Work Shed was exhibited in the 10th National Arts exhibition and Beijing Century Glory Exhibition and won silver prize in the 10th National Arts Exhibition and Literature and Arts Prize of Beijing Government.

Currently, Xu Weixin is creating series of paintings of 250cm * 200cm half-length portraits of miners and prepare to participate “Realism Road” arts exhibition to be held in China National Museum of Fine Arts on April 28, 2006. At the exhibition, visitors can see works of seven famous painters such as Professor Sun Weimin of Central Academy of Fine Arts and Professor Xin Dongwang of Academy of Arts and Designs of Tsinghua University. Today’s masterpiece is tomorrow’s cultural relics and I wish a success to the exhibition.




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