釋永信,俗名劉應成。1965年生,安徽潁上人。父母是虔誠的佛教徒。 1981年,17歲的劉應成遠赴嵩山少林寺,禮行正大和尚為師,披剃出家,法名永信;旦暮依侍,親炙師教,錘鍊有年,慧行俱進。後參學江西雲居山、安徽九華山、北京廣濟寺等處。 1984年回寺,仍侍奉長老左右,並任新成立的少林寺民主管理委員會成員,協助幾近失明的行正方丈處理日常寺務。同年9月,赴江西普照寺受具足戒。 1987年,行正方丈圓寂,承師衣缽,接任少林寺管理委員會主任,全面主持寺院工作。 1993年3月,當選為河南省政協委員; 10月,當選中國佛協理事。 1997年,再次當選為少林寺寺務委員會主任,住持少林寺。 1998年3月,當選為第九屆全國人大代表; 7月,當選為河南省佛教協會會長。 1999年8月,榮膺少林寺方丈。 2002年9月,當選中國佛教協會副會長。 2008年3月,當選為第十一屆全國人大代表。 2010年2月,當選為中國佛教協會海外交流委員會主任。
Shi Yongxin: Abbot of Shaolin Temple Shi Yongxin was born as Liu Yingcheng in Yingshang County, Anhui Province in 1965. Shi Yongxin is his Buddhist name. His parents are pious Buddhists. Liu Yingcheng was sent to Songshan Shaolin Monastery when he was 17, and officially entered monastic life under the instruction of Master Monk Zhengda who named him Yongxin. Years of arduous study brought his wisdom and virtue to a high level. He refined his education at various other places such as Yunju Mountain in Jiangxi Province, Jiuhua Mountain in Anhui Province and Guangji Temple in Beijing. Liu Yingcheng came back to Shaolin in 1984 and became the heir-apparent to the abbotship of Shaolin. He also became a member of the Democratic Management Committee of Shaolin to help with everyday management routines of the temple for Abbot Xingzheng who was going blind at the time. In September of the same year, he received full precepts at Puzhao Temple in Jiangxi Province. Abbot Xingzheng passed away in 1987. Shi Yongxin became director of Shaolin Temple Management Committee. In March of 1993, Shi Yongxin became a committee member of Henan Province CPPCC. In October of 1993, he was elected a council member of China Buddhism Association. In 1997, he was elected, for the second time, as director of Shaolin Temple Management Committee. In March of 1998, Shi Yongxin became a representative of the Ninth National People's Congress. In July of 1998, he became chairman of the Henan Province Buddhists Association. Shi Yongxin formally took office as Abbot of Shaolin Temple in August, 1999. In September, 2002, Shi Yongxin was elected as deputy director of China Buddhism Association. In March, 2003, Shi Yongxin became a representative of the Tenth National People's Congress. In March, 2008, Shi Yongxin became a representative of the Eleventh National People's Congress. Shi Yongxin became director of Overseas Exchange Committee of China Buddhism Association in February, 2010.