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[專稿] 藝門畫廊陳麗雲個展

藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-09-17 16:15:14 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

  陳麗雲(香港)個展:編織對話 北京
  2008年9月7日- 2008年10月31日









  開館時間:每天早上10點至下午6點 (週一週二參觀須預約)
  地址:北京市朝陽區崔各莊鄉草場地241號 100015
  電話: +8610 5127 3220
  傳真: +8610 5127 3223
  郵箱: fubi@pekinfinearts.com


  Pékin Fine Arts:
  Movana Chen (Hong Kong) Solo Project: Two-Way Communication Beijing
  September 7 – October 31, 2008

  Opening Reception for Hong Kong artist Movana Chen’s first solo project in Beijing: September 7, 2008, from 2 to 6 pm. ALL WELCOME!

  Pékin Fine Arts is pleased to present Movana Chen’s first solo exhibition in Beijing.

  Movana Chen’s main art production tools are magazines and the shredding machine. Her work involves the simple act of knitting thousands of shreds of otherwise disposable magazine paper together into various structures, clothing and containers. Movana produces performances and fashion and architectural structures using the paper-shredding machine to transform print media into a useful textile-like material, and then painstakingly knits the magazine shreds together.

  Movana’s simple act of shredding and knitting magazines is in itself a defiant act of resistance to consumer culture. By recycling disposable consumer commodities into new forms of artistic expression, she implicitly asks the question, “Where and when are magazines still useful?” Her art practice of knitting and reconstructing questions the original language of the magazines, subverting their message in an alternative means of “reading” print media.

  For her first project at Pékin Fine Arts, Ms. Chen will create a monumental structure using an assortment of art related magazines of various languages and cultural backgrounds. Movana’s structure will envelope the contours and physical space of the Pékin Fine Arts gallery space, in much the same way her “wearable art” and “body containers” have encased her own body in earlier performances.

  Movana Chen lives and works in Hong Kong. She graduated from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University and studied fashion design at the London College of Fashion. She also works as an independent curator in Hong Kong.


  Gallery hours: 10 to 6 pm daily. Mon and Tues by appointment only.
  Add: No.241 Cao Chang Di Village, Cui Ge Zhuang, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 100015
  Pékin Fine Arts
  Media Relations Manager
  Victoria Wang
  Tel: +8610 5127 3220
  Fax: +8610 5127 3223
  Email: Victoria@pekinfinearts.com


Artist: Movana Chen 陳麗雲

Title: Body Container AAP 身體軀殼 AAP

Medium: Installation / sculpture 雜誌雕塑

Date: 2008

Dimension: 1.75cm H

Artist: Movana Chen 陳麗雲

Title: Body container II 身體軀殼 II

Medium: Installation / sculpture 雜誌雕塑

Date: 2005

Dimension: 1.55cm H

Artist: Movana Chen 陳麗雲

Title: Body container I 身體軀殼 I

Medium: Installation / sculpture 雜誌雕塑

Date: 2005

Dimension: 1.55cm H


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