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[專稿] 仁·八月群展

藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-07-11 09:11:36 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

  Group Exhibition on August at Yan Club Arts Center


  自從2002年成立於北京798藝術區以來,仁藝術中心密切關注著中國當代藝術的發展,也不斷發掘和介紹藝術家,逐步建立起與國際性知名畫廊的合作關係。近一年時間,仁藝術中心通過與著名畫廊Galerie Maeght - Paris、Galerie Loft - Paris的全力合作成功地在法國相繼推出藝術家劉保民、饒松青個展。



  Yan Club Arts Center is pleased to announce the opening of a group exhibition with works composed by 6 contemporary Chinese young artists.

  Since 2002, Yan Club Arts Center was established in 798 Art District in Beijing and has witnessed the development of Chinese contemporary art as well as continuously tried to explore and introduce new artists.

  We are gradually building up strong international relations and cooperating with well-known art galleries in order to promote our promising and talented Chinese artists all over the world. In the period of one year, Yan Club Arts Center has collaborated with Galerie Maeght from Paris to organize a successful solo show of Liu Baomin’s works and, thanks to the support and trust of the established Gallery LOFT from Paris, Rao Songqing’s works were exhibited in that city.

  For our coming exhibition we have selected not only the Liu Baomin and Rao Songqing works, but also another four artists: Lang Xiaoqi, Shen Dapeng, Liu Ye and Liu Chunhai.

  Among them, Lang Xiaoqi shows scenes about the Chinese current social environment from another point of view. Shen Dapeng and Liu Ye belong to the post 80s artists generation. Works by Shenda Peng, focused on figures, are inspired by Freud realist approach and portray the material reality of loss. Liu Ye's works, charged of imagination, deal with ecological issues and modern civilization contradictions. Finally, Liu Chunhai intends to recycle, criticize and transform the visual language of the Cultural Revolution in his paintings.

  Yan Club Arts Center welcomes you to take the opportunity to enjoy the exceptional originality of this special group exhibition.

  For more information and details, please contact us via:

  Tel: 010-8457-3506 / Fax: 010-8457-3622

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