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[專稿]Art+ Shanghai:Mr Modern

藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-11-25 16:20:10 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

Participating Artists:

Ma Liang

Born 1972 in Shanghai, Ma Liang Liang is a talented Shanghai photographer graduated from the Design Department at Shanghai University. Through the dramatic lens of Ma Leonn's work we examine four series, Boys of Shanghai, Unforgivable Children, Déjà vu and Portrait of Mephisto, each dealing with unique themes but sharing a similar narrative thread that focuses on the isolated urban generation.

Li Wenfeng

Born 1979 in Chaozhou, Li Wenfeng graduated from the Print Department at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing. Discontent with flat expression, Li Wenfeng's works Arrow Fish, Blue Porcelain Flower Vase and White Cat, Black Cat, feature grand and dramatic scenes of story-telling, which borrow a cartoon aesthetic to create unusual symbolic expressions of the vast and material world.

Liu Daming

Born 1980 in Chongqing, Liu Daming graduated from the Oil Department at the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts. Liu Daming's series of works extract elements of vanity and ambition of the material world to examine his own emotional world. Unlike many in his generation of artists, Liu does not explore the transition of China's urban landscapes but rather those who inhibit it.

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