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[專稿] 五音不全——當代藝術作品展

藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-08-11 09:52:52 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

  參展藝術家:法明 虹舒 迪子 立龍 寶印

  Exhibition of the new north artists No.1
  《Five singers’ symphony》The exhibition contemporary artists’ artworks
  Curator: Bai Tao
  Academic support : Yi Ying
  Artist: Fa Ming Hong Shu Di Zi Li Long Bao Yin
  Duration : August 16, 2008 ~ August 31, 2008
  Opening Reception : 3pm,8.16
  Venue: Quac Art Space ,NO.2 Jiuxianqiao Road,798 Art Zone,Chaoyang District,Beijing.
  Website : www.quacart.com
  E-mail : quacart@yahoo.com.cn











  Five singers’ symphony

  We are experiencing an era of materialism. Every time when I think about those Cultural Revolution years, which I joke as “ fools’ celebration”, I feel that we were spirituality oriented in those days. And as time goes by, we all have grown from proletariats with fighting will into so-called petty bourgeois, who begin to be more sentimental and reminiscent. Nowadays, even though we are tangled in the sad recollection of the old days, just like nervous fish struggling in a river, we are still going towards the vast ocean — the mainstream of today’s culture.

  Hong Shu’s works keep bantering those old beautiful days with her cynical attitude and brief style, showing us the covered memory with a unique perspective.

  Fa Ming bases the theme of his works on his own emotional experiences. He depicts the beauty and sorrow of life with a vivid and expressional tone. He is a poet wandering on the waste land of his soul.

  Zhang Yidi mixes humor into his drawings to taunt diversified people seduced by desire. He becomes an artist criticizing realism with a smile.

  In Jia Lilong’s works, female body is the only star. It is presented by the way of traditional Chinese painting stroke, so-called “freehand brushwork”, to show the unique taste of Chinese. By those drawings, he uncovers the hidden instinct and desire of human beings.

  Bao Yin targets his works at his children’s days to show the spirit under group-unconsciousness in those Cultural Revolution years, and demonstrates the fearful, helpless and aimless state during the whole “fool’s celebration”.

  When we look at the contemporary society carefully, we can clearly see that the dissimilation in human nature and absurdity in reality lead to the mass irrationality featured by group-unconsciousness. Meanwhile, art is another irrational game, in which everybody dreams an incredible dream.

  The five artists are among the dreamers who play the irrational game called “art”. Artists have their unique experiences and minds. By demonstrating different feelings in different ways, they release their dreams and sadness underneath. In the path of mixing various themes into the popular cultural complex, they become the members and pioneers of the art in our time. Although they underwent the Cultural Revolution, they can still accept the influence of the contemporary culture. They express their inner voice in different tones. The tones, just like a symphony, bring back the memory in the heart of hearts.

  Yi Ying
  August, 2008

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