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藝術中國 | 時間: 2006-12-01 09:12:11 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

    畫展名稱: “現代與東方” 南韓女藝術家金閏作品展
    展覽日期: 2006年12月9日- 12月15日
    展覽地點: 可創銘佳藝苑
    開幕式:   2006年12月9日 15:00 -18:00

    “Mordern Times and the Oriental”
    --  Solo Exhibition of Korean Artist Kim Yoon ’06

    Duration: October. 18th, 2006 – November. 26th, 2006
    Opening:15:00 – 18:00,December 18th,2006




    Kim Yoon is a professor in Korean Academy of Fine Arts, and responsible researcher in the Institute of Plastic Arts. After getting the M.F.A. degree in Korea, she went to France to make a further study. Hereafter, she spends quite some time in France and Europe each year. Hence, she has chances to probe deeply into the culture and art of the Western world.

    There is no certainty in her works. It is a space without limit, offering infinite room for imagination, and giving free display of the subjective will. It is a space for displaying modernity. It can trigger rich association. You can sense the meaning only by your soul. Even the human figures in her works are not meant to show the concrete image of human body, but exist more in the sense of the abstract concept of the capitalized "Human". It is high praise of the "Beauty" of the human itself, from the depths of the heart, and a great care for humanism.

    In materials, she uses the thick Korean paper completely; the Korea paper stuck with all kinds of veins, some being translucent, some being semitransparent, some being Korean paper with a great covering capacity. She has also made some plant fiber materials for writing specially. She uses all-purpose painting materials. In the course of drawing, she has made many new inventions and created many new techniques. All the symbols of the painting language have been deeply marked with Jin Run's character.

Creation Art Gallery:
Tel: +8610 85617570
Fax: +8610 85632740
Email: creationgallery@sina.com
Address: 北京市朝陽區日壇東路北口(日壇公園東北角外)

About Kim Yoon


現代與東方 -- 南韓畫家金閏的現代繪畫

Modern Times and the Oriental

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· 現代與東方 -- 南韓畫家金閏的現代繪畫
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