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藝術中國 | 時間: 2006-12-19 09:49:51 | 文章來源: TOM美術同盟


    開幕時間:2006年12月15號 星期五(7pm - 9pm)


    展覽時間:2006年12月16日至29日,每天2場 (14:00 和 16:00)


    繼去年夏天陸春生的video作品《化學史1》在《13個:中國今日影像》展覽放映之後,我們十分欣喜地推出來自上海的藝術家陸春生的最新video作品。今年夏天,在他倫敦的Gaswork的駐地創作時間裏,陸春生製作了他的最新電影:《化學史 2- 過於拘謹的登山愛好者》。總片長達 96 分鐘的這件新作品與上次的黑白電影《化學史1》不同,這次我們看到的是彩色的影片。



    三個“公司”派遣的“登山愛好者”一直在追蹤 A ……



    新的 “氣候” 於是形成 ……


    這份未完成的有“預知能力”的“合同”最終將被帶入公海,並在一艘賭輪上進行交易 ……


    最終關於未來領域的拓展計劃開始付諸行動,並且形成浩蕩之勢 ……

    據説A是John Dee的後裔……

    History of chemistry 2

    Excessively restrained mountaineering enthusiasts

    Lu Chunsheng’s newest film

    Premiere: 2006 December Friday 15th , 7 pm

    Venue: Central Academy of Fine Arts, building 5, Multifunctional Hall

    Exhibition Dates: 2006 December 16th- 29th, 2 screenings/day ( 2 pm and 4pm)


    After showing last summer History of Chemistry (2004) in The Thirteen: Chinese Video Now group show, we are happy to present the sequel piece by Shanghai based filmmaker Lu Chunsheng. During his residency this summer in Gasworks, London, Chunsheng made this new film, entitled History of Chemistry 2, Excessively restrained mountaineering enthusiasts (96min). This time no black and white images of (pre-) industrial-era China, we get to see fully coloured images; The story goes as follows:

    The “company” moves with enormous difficulty. “He” is at the edge of bankruptcy

    “mountaineering enthusiasts” from three “companies” have been tracking A…..

    A, who has already left the “company”, is holding a pivotal “contract” for a large business transaction.

    In order to obtain this “contract” for themselves, at “the last moment”, the tide could be transferred to some areas of the city which were surveyed time and again by the “mountaineering enthusiasts””.

    Thereupon a new “climate” formed ……

    This “climate” would compel A to g to the Highlands ……

    This unfinished “contract” which has the “power of prediction” would ultimately be taken to the mare liberum and be traded on a gambling ship………

    Subsequently the “company” gradually reduced the heavy burden caused by the debt.

    Finally, the project to exploit future terrain went into action and grew vast and mighty……

    As the story goes,A is the descendant of John Dee. ……

化學史2 過於拘謹的登山愛好者 1

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