心象 • 面孔——超越時空的精神肖像

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藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-09-18 22:09:18 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

“心象-面孔——超越時空的精神肖像”展 主題圖片



Special Exhibition 798 Art Festival Beijing 2009


Spirit Portraits Beyond Space and Time

開幕時間/ Date:9月19日14:00/ 14:00, Sep.19

展覽時間/ Opening Date:9月20日/Sep.20 --10月25日/Oct.25

地點:北京798藝術區798藝術中心(706大廠房)2號廳/798 Art Center Hall II


Spirit Portraits Beyond Space and Time


Curator: Yu Yang


Compere:Li Jichun


Assistant:Yang Jie


Artists: Liu Bin, Xu Yifeng, Gu Yue, Wang Lei, Liu Zining, Sun Ce, Li Jiushi












Minds to Faces:Spirit Portraits Beyond Space and Time

Theme Explanation

Potraits show minds. The potraits as print of times and faces of individual and public, elites and civilian, bear the weight of individual emotion, memory of sensibility, responses to culture condition, and responsibility of society. Potraits show history, and challenge people’s attitude between past and present.

Since 1990s, Chinese modern artests focus most of their attention on individual memory and private experience, rather than serious ideology consideration. As a result, there were more and more observation from close quarters, representation to the microcosmic emotion, along with pattern of theme, maturity of technique style, and cynicism spirits. Rationalistic mentality and macroscopical angle of view absents since absence of heroes.

It is necessary to rebuild sensitive individual experience and ability to thought as a public intellectual in contemporary society context, there is full of utilitarianism, individual desire and snack culture. That depends on artests’ courage, unattached personality and consciousness. They have to pay attention to the grand society problem and ultimate humanity, instead of individual emotion. When the spirit from local culture shows itself as individual, occasional and vivid impression, when the spirit portraits beyond space and time, face to face between ancient and present, tradition and modern, there is a forever gazing from depth of history.

The artist of this exhibition were born in 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, with the academic background and specific culture position. They answer the questions of different decades with their art creation. The far and near potraits imaged both themselves and ourselves. It’s lucky that these spirit potraits could affect and inspire us. We could visit and ponder on the past, touch reality of history and question today and future closely.

Yu Yang

Sep.19, 2009

劉斌 《靜觀天語》 1999-2001 綜合材料 320cm×320cm×3


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