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藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-05-04 15:52:56 | 文章來源: 藝術中國


Li Weiguang

1971 born in Meixian, Guangdong Province

2000 studied in the senior Oil Painting Class for graduates of Guangzhou Fine Arts Academy

A professional painter and the owner of Art64 gallery


 Realism•Abstract——Art show of Li Weiguang and Qian Lingge (Guangzhou)

 “Art with an Accent” 2008 A-one China Japan Korea Indonesia Exchange Group Exhibition(Guangzhou)

 The 2008 3rd exhibition of Guangdong Contemporary Oil Painting (Guangzhou Museum of Art)

 2007 A-one China Japan Korea exchange group exhibition(Daegu of South Korea)

 Exposition “Peintres Chinois 2007”(France)

 “Spirit & Moral”, Chinese contemporary oil painting exhibition(China Art Museum & Shanghai Art Museum)

 Participated in the 85th Anniversary of Chinese Communist Party Exhibition (Guangdong Painting Institute)

 2006 participates in the Exhibition for the 50th Anniversary of Guangdong Fine Arts Association(Guangdong Museum of Art)

 2006 “Drama Figures-Shang Xiaoyun”, participated in the 2nd France Nice Salon D' Art(France)

 “Vanishing Traditions”, participated in the 2nd Fine Art Exhibition of Guangdong(Guangzhou Museum of Art)

 “Aging” participated in the 55th founding anniversary of People's Republic of China Guangdong Area(Guangdong Museum of Art)

Be Collected By:

During the past decade or more , many of his works have been collected by privates, consuls of consulates, and chiefs of politics both home and abroad

Scheme :

2006 Exceptional exhibition presented by K Private Gallery (artist: Chagall, Cocteau, Magritte, F.Leger, Matisse, Krunic)

2006 Miss o “my sisters”video show

2006 Life•Reflection (artists:Wei Kejian , Jiang Dongcun , Verónica Guzmañ)

2006 Works by Cocteau

2006 “Orchestic rhythm” artworks by Gilou

2006 Artworks by Krunic

2006 “Sustain ideality” artworks by Wei Kejian

2007 “Century Echo” 1870-1970 GuangDong excellent artists show

2007 Mirage-With the border between abstraction and realism, when art marries technology

2007 “Carefree Summer” Dong Yidian solo exhibition

2007 China Japan Korea exchange group exhibition

2007 “Boastful Elation” exhibition(artist: Cheng Hoi)

2007 “The praises of homeland” Yin dingbang Solo Exhibition

2007 “The praises of homeland” Yin Dingbang Exhibition ( Guangzhou international art fair)

2007 Guangdong New Vision (Guangzhou international art fair )

2008 Loving life and creating honest art Wang Lisha solo exhibition

2008 Black & White & the Color in the Mirrow Comics Art Exhibition from the Deprez Twins

2008 Dreamcapes Michael Littman solo exhibition

2008 The comic strip according to Olivier Deprez

2008 “Sunlife” art show of Chang Ai-Wai

2008 Art With an Accent

2008 “Visage” art show of Tung Lo

2008 Life•Sunshine•Home—Teachers and Students Works Exhibition of Xu Jianbai, Zhang Aiwei, Yin Dingbang(Hangzhou Artfair)

2008 The color and the Black-white in the Mirror——Deprez Brothers Comic Exhibition(Hangzhou Artfair)

2008 Art with an Accent——Hanafi Works Exhibition (Indonesia) (Hangzhou Artfair)

2008 “Art with an Accent” 2008a-one China Japan Korea Indonesia exchange group exhibition

2009 Realism•Abstract——Art show of Qian Lingge and Li Weiguang


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