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中國網 china.com.cn  時間: 2006-12-12  發表評論>>


He was born in Kaifeng in 1963. So far, he is the member of China Photographers Association and the executive officer of Kaifeng Photographers Association. In 2002, he was awarded the title of “10 Young Outstanding Photographers in Henan Province”.

Main Works:

1995 “95 Photography in Central China” Henan Museum Zhengzhou

1998 Nominated Photography Exhibition in Henan Zhengzhou Shengda Art Museum


2002 Vision Dialogue Zhengzhou Henan

2002 Pingyao International Photography Exhibition Pingyao Shangxi

2003 Pingyao International Photography Exhibition Pingyao Shangxi

2005 Golden Lens Exhibition in Jincheng Jincheng Culture & Sport Palace Shangxi

文章來源: 中國網 責任編輯: 戴凡
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