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發佈時間: 2014-11-20 08:49:31    來源: 光明網    作者: 曾繁華    責任編輯: 張林


光明網: 非常感謝您接受光明網的採訪。對於中國網際網路發展的優勢和不足之處,您能談下自己的看法嗎?

路易斯: 中國的優勢之一是具有廣闊的市場,並且中國政府在網際網路發展方面下了很大力氣。在過去的二十年間,你可以看到中國的網際網路取得了令人矚目的發展成就。你也可以看到中國有一大批相當具有活力的公司,比如,騰訊、阿里巴巴,這些企業聲名遠播。所以,我認為這是中國網際網路最大的進步,它催生了這些很有活力的企業。

光明網: 您認為中國網際網路在哪些方面還有需要完善的?

路易斯: 儘管中國網際網路的傳播和發展非常迅速,但是仍然有許多中國人無法接觸到網際網路。所以這是當前需要改進的首要方面。

光明網: 這次大會的主題是建設“互聯互通•共用共治”的世界,那麼您認為中國應在其中扮演什麼樣的角色?

路易斯: 目前世界共同關注的問題就是如何共用、共治網際網路。這還需要經過多年的論證。但是我們現在會看到人們談論國際化,全球化,同時,世界更需要全球化的網際網路,而不僅僅是以美國為主的網際網路。人們需要在一些原則問題上達成一致而不致發生動蕩。在這個過程中,中國可以發揮積極的作用。

James Andrew Lewis, Director of the Technology and Public Policy Program the Center for Strategic and International Studies

GMW.cn: Thank you very much for doing this interview with Guangming Online. Could you please show your opinion on the Internet development in China about its advantages and disadvantages? Thank you.

Lewis: Sure. One of the advantages is that China is a huge market and government has put effort into the Internet. In really over last twenty years, so you have seen remarkable progress in the spread of Internet in China. You also have a number of very dynamic and vigorous companies. You know Tecent, Alibaba. We all know companies, right. So I think that is the biggest development in China. It’s the growth of these very dynamic companies.

GMW.cn: What do you think we should put more efforts to do better? Which area?

Lewis: Well, the spread of Internet and the development with high speed in China, there is still a lot of people in China who aren’t connected. So that is priority No. 1.

GMW.cn: So to create an interconnected world shared and governed by all, what role do you think China should play?

Lewis: There is an emerging consensus in the world about how the Internet should be governed. That will take several more years of discussion. But we are seeing people say that International law applies, and that it has to be global rather than the American Internet. And that people need to agree on principles for stability. So China can help with that effort. That would be positive.


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