
積分落戶制 A points-based hukou (household registration) system


“積分落戶制”的英文是“a points-based hukou system”。根據積分落戶制,符合一定基本條件的外來務工人員會根據的他們的教育背景、就業、財産狀況等計算積分,積分入戶核準分值達到一定值後即可落戶。



Hi! This is “Unique Chinese Words”! In today’s program, we will talk about “積分落戶制”——“a points-based household registration system”.

According to this system, migrant workers who meet certain basic requirements can accumulate points based on their educational background, employment, property and etc. After reaching a specified amount of points, applicants would be able to change their household registration status.

E.g.: Beijing piloted a" points-based hukou system" in Tongzhou district to allow its migrants to claim permanent residence permits or "hukou".

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