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浙江開啟“世界標準日”活動 十大重點項目啟動建設
Zhejiang opens the "world standard day" activity ten key projects start construction
     發佈時間:2017-10-16 11:56:39    


On October 14th, Beijing time, "world standard day" theme activity opened in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. Taking the "standard to create a better life" as the theme, the site started the ten major projects of Zhejiang standardization strategy, aimed at speeding up the overall implementation of standardization strategy, and promoting the comprehensive reform experimental unit of national standardization.

  據了解,世界標準日(World Standards Day)由國際標準化組織(ISO)設立,意在提高對國際標準化在世界經濟活動中重要性的認識,促進國際標準化工作適應世界範圍內的商業、工業、政府和消費者的需要。

It is understood that the World Standards Day set up by the international organization for Standardization (ISO), in order to improve the understanding to international standards of the importance of the economic activities in the world, promote international standardization work to meet the needs of the world within the scope of business, industry, government and consumer.


In the event site, Zhejiang launched the standardization strategy of the ten key projects. According to the introduction of person in charge of Zhejiang Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau of the relevant, ten projects covering intelligent manufacturing, textile or apparel industry upgrading, circular economy and international standards, grassroots social governance, government services, electronic commerce, pension, city management and rural areas such as sustainable development, through competitive negotiation, for Zhejiang Province through an open bidding process.


It is reported that, during the week-long "world standard day" activities, Zhejiang will continue to take the "standard to create a better life" as the theme to carry out a series of activities, including the organization of standardization training, standard countryside communities, standardization demonstration pilot demonstration and communication, to expand the standardization of social influence, enhance people's awareness of standardization.

  (中國網綜合 翻譯:宓文文)

來源: 中國網綜合    | 作者:中國網綜合 翻譯:宓文文    | 責編:胡金     電子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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