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Hangzhou Delegation Shows in the Summer Davos Forum to Invite Old and New Friends to Jointly Build "World-famous City"
     發佈時間:2017-06-28 17:06:41    

  中國網浪潮資訊  北京時間6月27日,2017夏季達沃斯論壇在大連拉開帷幕。一天前,由杭州市副市長謝雙成帶隊的杭州代表團已抵達大連。謝雙成表示,後G20時代的杭州正在打造錢塘江金融港灣,主打特色小鎮和國際化,歡迎更多的新老朋友共同建設杭州這座“世界名城”。

CNCAO NEWS On June 27 Beijing Time, the 2017 Summer Davos Forum was inaugurated in Dalian. The delegation of Hangzhou led by Xie Shuangcheng, deputy mayor of Hangzhou, arrived in Dalian a day before. Xie stated that in the post G20 era, Hangzhou was being in the construction of the Qiantang River Financial Harbour with characteristic towns as well as internationalization in the leading parts to welcome more and more old and new friends to jointly build Hangzhou, the "world-famous city".



On the opening ceremony of 2017 Summer Davos Forum, Klaus Schwab, president of the World Economic Forum, said that in G20 Hangzhou Summit, China had provided a framework of cooperation to get global development with innovation, invigoration, interconnection and inclusion achieved.


Hangzhou, as the "sample" in the new normal of China’s economy, attracted global attention with its unique charm in Davos Forum, an international stage of economy.



It is known that the theme of 2017 Summer Davos Forum is "Achieving Inclusive Growth in the Fourth Industrial Revolution", which is mainly focusing on the  technology-advanced commercial mode and innovation of policies. The forum's core is the topic of creating meaningful employment and promoting sustainable development, and it dedicates to leading the global growth model to transform to more tolerance.

來源: 中國網    | 作者:實習生陳丹娜 楊雲寒 孫吳琦譯    | 責編:陳丹娜     電子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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