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“美麗中國•詩畫浙江” 後G20時代浙江再出發走向世界
“Beautiful China & Poem and Painting of Zhejiang”,Zhejiang sets out to the world again in post G20 times
     發佈時間:2017-04-27 16:38:02    

  中國網浪潮資訊 “説不出的美,才是浙江。”北京時間4月26日,在杭州舉行的“美麗中國•詩畫浙江”媒體沙龍上,愛好中國文化的俄羅斯留學生娜斯佳用一首《有種江南叫浙江》的詩展現了她眼中的詩畫浙江。

CNCAO “‘The beauty that can’t be described is Zhejiang.” On April 26th Beijing time, Nastia, Russian student used a poem ‘A kind of Jiangnan called Zhejiang’ to show the poem and painting of Zhejiang in her eyes in ‘Beautiful China & Poem and Painting of Zhejiang’ media salon held in Hangzhou.



Xinyue, a hostess from CATV used ‘very Chinese’ to evaluate her impression of Zhejiang after visiting Night West Lake and Longmen Ancient Town in a matter of days. She thought the places she travelled accorded with her impression of China. Xinyue has been an old China hand after staying in China for six or seven years, but she had never been to Zhejiang before. The impression of Zhejiang still remained the text description of ‘there is Paradise above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below.’



It was half a year ago that C20 Hangzhou time, Zhejiang made the whole word surprising and amazing. Now, the world has the same expectation from all directions on April when the flowers are open. In post G20 times, how can we restore an unique poem and painting of Zhejiang? How to recommend the poem and distance in our hearts? Maybe our daily life is their poem and distance.



After the G20 ,Zhejiang's international influence and popularity are rising and the international pace of Zhejiang tourism is also gradually accelerating. The palais des nations of United Nations at Geneva held the thematic exhibition of ‘Beautiful China & Poem and Painting of Zhejiang’ held by on 19th.



It is understood that CNN, CNBC, WSJ, CATV, Southworld Media and other foreign medias will also collect folk songs around Zhejiang and then bring the poem and painting of Zhejiang in their eyes to the whole world.

    (中國網作者 楊雲寒 見習作者 胡金 任嫻/譯)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:楊雲寒 見習 胡金 任嫻/譯    | 責編:安靜     電子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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