Photos: Qiandao Lake should not only reflect the international level landscape but also reflect local custom civilizatio
發佈于 2017-09-13 14:27:39 來源:中國網 作者:張雲松 鮑夢依 責任編輯:張雲松
中國網浪潮資訊 千島湖作為國家級風景區,既要體現淳安風景的國際化水準,又要體現我們淳安特有的鄉村氣息和文化,讓全縣、全域、全民能夠景區化。要讓農民朋友們自覺投入到景區改造、産業發展同時,又能自覺投入到提升優質服務上去,體現出良好的鄉風文明。
As a national scenic area, Qiandao Lake should not only reflect the international level of Chunan scenery, but also reflect the village atmosphere and culture of Chunan to make the whole county, the whole region, the whole people can be scenic. It is necessary to make farmers consciously into the renovation of the scenic area and the development of the industry, they can also consciously into the promotion of high-quality services and reflect the local custom civilization.
(中國網作者 張雲松 綜合報道 翻譯 鮑夢依)
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