浙江淳安:亮家訓 曬承諾 做新風示範人

Zhejiang Chun-an: Show family instructions, commitment and new tradition to others

發佈于 2017-09-07 14:27:47      來源:中國網      作者:任俊諺 張雲松 袁旭寧      責任編輯:張雲松

  中國網浪潮資訊  走進浙江淳安的下姜村,眾多村民門口的家風家訓和承諾成為一道亮麗的風景線。

CNCAO NEWS Walking into the Xia-jiang village, located in Zhejiang Chun-an, you can see a splendid landscape that family tradition, family instructions and commitment are in front of many villagers’ house.



Xia-jiang village has ancestor’s instructions inherited more than 600 years, from generation to generation, it becomes village regulation and non-governmental agreement that everyone should comply with, imperceptibly affects the lives of the villagers. Every family in the village summarize their own family tradition and family instructions, combine the realities of their on the basis of ancestor’s instructions.



According to the introduction of Jiang Yin-xiang, deputy secretary of party general branch of Xia-jiang village, the county is building good family tradition of party members and cadres this year, party members decided to show their family instructions and commitment of party members, take the lead to make new tradition, and transmit positive energy. Let party flag hanging in front of the house, commitment and family instructions become the ‘gauge’ of self-discipline and accepting supervision. The villagers take the initiative to learn from the party members, also hang their own family instructions at the gate.

  (實習生 任俊諺 中國網作者 張雲松 綜合報道 翻譯 袁旭寧)

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