Waterfront landscape zone of Qingxi New Town, Chunan, Zhejiang contains “Qingxi cuture”
發佈于 2017-09-07 11:26:22 來源:中國網 作者:張雲松 余樂 責任編輯:張雲松
中國網浪潮資訊 千啤濱湖景觀飄帶工程已于近日全面收尾完工,正式對外開放。這是青溪新城目前為止完成的第二條城市濱水景觀帶,也是一條充滿啤酒文化、啤酒風情和啤酒香味的景觀帶。
Qianpibin Lake landscape ribbon project has been fully completed recently and officially opened. It is the second city waterfront landscape zone so far which has been completed. And it is a landscape zone which is full of beer culture, beer style and beer fragrance.
It is known that the landscape ribbon is located in Pingshan Industrial Park, Qingxi New Town including Bin Lake landscape ribbon, Xiuhu Load, project of south Furong Road. It fully uses water culture and beer culture of Qiandao Lake through a variety of techniques of expression to show charactenstic city waterfront landscape zone of Qiandao Lake. And it has unified style with Qiandao Lake Beer Town which has been built and adds color to beer culture of Qiandao Lake.
Moreover, there are cycling greenways, “saccharifying tank” sculpture, pergola of the tipping barrel form, windmills castle garden and others in the whole zone.
(中國網作者 張雲松 綜合報道 翻譯 余樂)
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