浙江淳安攝影再創新突破 10人入選國家級會員

Photography of Zhejiang Chun’an has another innovation and breakthrough, 10 people were selected as national-level membe

發佈于 2017-09-07 09:53:47      來源:中國網      作者:張雲松 陳萍萍      責任編輯:張雲松

  中國網浪潮資訊 近日,中國攝影家協會公佈最新一批入會會員名單,浙江淳安縣攝影家協會程海波、宋士中、胡建明、陳興中等4位會員名列其中。至此,淳安攝影家協會擁有中國攝影家協會會員10人,國家級會員人數實現歷史性新突破。

CNCAO NEWS Recently,China Photographers Association published the latest list of a group of new members. 4 members of Zhejiang Chun’an Photographers Association like Cheng Haibo, Song Shizhong, Hu Jianming and Chen Xingzhong were in the list. So far,Chun’an Photographers Association has had 10 members of China Photographers Association, the number of national-level members achieved a new historic breakthrough.



It was learned that Chun’an County was awarded as “The base of national photography creation” by China Photography Newspaper, Jinfeng Township was awarded as “ The Town of Photography” by Popular Photograph Magazine and Wangfu Town was awarded as “ The Township of Photography” by Zhejiang Photographers Association. In 2016,Photographers Association of Chun’an County was awarded as the advanced photographers association by Photographers Association of Zhejiang Province and it was the only county-level association among the 13 districts and counties in Hangzhou that won the honor.



This year, the members of Photographers Association of Chun’an County still keep high creative momentum and many of them won awards in national photography competitions. The photography works which produced locally in Chun 'an frequently appeared in China Photography Newspaper and the major network media of China to try hard to promote healthy and beautiful Qiandao Lake.



Photographers Association of Chun’an County has had more than 150 members so far and it belongs to 4 branches. More than 60% of the County Association are the members of Hangzhou Photographers Association and above the city-level associations.The number of members of provincial association and above the level is more than 30.

  (中國網作者 張雲松 綜合報道 翻譯 陳萍萍)

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