The permanent site of China Textile Intangible Cultural Heritage Conference settled in Zhejiang Chun 'an
發佈于 2017-09-07 09:43:14 來源:中國網 作者:張雲松 陳萍萍 責任編輯:張雲松
中國網浪潮資訊 近日,中國紡織工業聯合會與淳安縣人民政府簽署戰略合作協議,將中國紡織非物質文化遺産大會永久會址落戶文淵獅城。並計劃於今年11月在杭州千島湖文淵獅城召開首屆中國紡織非物質文化遺産大會。
CNCAO NEWS Recently,China National Textile And Apparel Council and People's Government of Chun’an County signed the strategic cooperation agreement and settled the permanent site of China Textile Intangible Cultural Heritage Conference in the QXTD Lion City. And the first China Textile Intangible Cultural Heritage Conference is scheduled to be held in the QXTD Lion City in November this year.
It is learned that the theme of the first Intangible Cultural Heritage Conference is “Building a ecological environment for the sustainable development of Textile Intangible Cultural Heritage together”. China Textile Intangible Cultural Heritage Conference aims at connecting the "protection chain" of the inheritance and development of intangible cultural heritage with the "industrial chain" of the textile industry effectively, promoting the integrative development of traditional crafts and modern industries, enhanceing the soft power and cultural confidence of China's textile industry and building a ecological environment for the sustainable development of Textile Intangible Cultural Heritage together.
Jiangjia Town in which the QXTD Lion City locates has a long history of planting mulberry trees and breeding silkworm. It is also the producing area of old folk craft- Ba Du Hemp Embroidery and the home of the hemp.The strategic cooperation is a powerful measure for the QXTD Lion City to explore the development road of local culture revitalization and intangible cultural heritage industrialization development through the combination of culture and tourism. And it is also a key step for Jiangjia Town to build the provincial characteristic town.
(中國網作者 張雲松 綜合報道 翻譯 陳萍萍)
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