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The year 2021 marks the 90th anniversary of the September 18th Incident.Duiring the arduous War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army fought bravely without fear of sacrifice, making indelible contributions to the victory of the War. General Secretary Xi Jinping, during his inspectionin Heilongjiang Province on May 25, 2016, pointed out that“the spirit of Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army, the spirit of the Great Northern Wilderness, the Daqing spirit and the spirit of‘ironman’ have inspired generations of people”.  


From the“September 18th Incident” in 1931 to the surrender of the Japanese invaders in 1945, the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army fought unrelentingly in northeast China for 14 years. In the long-term War of Resistance, the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army braved the cold of minus 30-40 degrees C to fight to the death against hundreds of thousands of enemies with only bark and grass roots as food. The arduous War of Resistance saw the emergence of a large number of national heroes such as Yang Jingyu, Zhao Shangzhi and Zhao Yiman. They, with unbending will, heroically fought and sacrificed their lives to forge the spirit of the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army of“firm belief and conviction, noble patriotism and great spirit of sacrifice”.


The northeast of China, where the spirit of Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army is bred, is a fertile land. Here,heroes come to the fore and power of the spirit continues from generation to generation. Today, the northeast China enjoys bumper harvest of grain, advanced science and technology, and people here live and work in peace and contentment. The Great Northern Wilderness has become the“ballast” that ensures national food security. The pillars of the great power, represented by self-developed aircraft carrier, have been developed one after another. China’s first commercial remote-sensing satellites“Jilin-1” has entered the high-speed networking stage. The Fuxing intelligent EMU was put into operation.Major breakthroughs have been made in shale oil and gas exploration in Daqing. People serve at ordinary posts and fight with indomitable spirit.


The land where our forefathers fought tenaciously witnesses the lasting development of the spirit of the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army.We will carry forward the spirit of Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army in full and faithful implementation of all work with high spirits. Fearing no hardships and challenges, we will dedicate ourselves to creating new glories and new historic undertakings.