

發佈時間:2021-07-05 17:17:12 | 來源:中國網-中國習觀 | 責任編輯:孫靈萱


中國共産黨作為馬克思主義政黨,講政治是突出的特點和優勢。黨的政治紀律是指在各個不同時期,根據黨的政治任務要求,對各級黨組織和黨員的政治活動和政治行為的基本約束,是各級黨組織和黨員在政治生活中必須遵守的行為準則。政治紀律的基本要求是:各級黨組織和黨員,必須在政治原則、政治立場、政治觀點和路線、方針、政策上同中央保持高度一致。2015 年 1 月 13 日,習近平在十八屆中央紀委第五次全會上正式提出了"政治規矩" 一詞。黨內規矩是黨的各級組織和全體黨員必須遵守的行為規範和規則。

Strict Political Discipline and Political Rules of the Party

Hi! Welcome to“About China”. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). In today’s program, we will talk about “Strict Political Discipline and Political Rules of the Party”.

Taking a clear political stand is the outstanding characteristic and strength of the CPC as a Marxist party. The Party's political discipline refers to the basic requirements that Party organizations and Party members must follow in their political activities and conduct in different periods of time, as required by the Party's political tasks at that time. Every Party organization and every Party member must follow the Central Committee regarding political principles, stance, views, lines and policies.Addressing the fifth plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection on January 13, 2015, Xi Jinping coined the term "political rules."The intra-Party rules are the rules and code of conduct that every CPC organization and every CPC member must observe.