

發佈時間:2019-01-11 11:26:00 | 來源:中國網 | 責任編輯:孫靈萱


作為“五大發展理念”之一。創新發展注重的是解決中國發展的動力問題。中國領導人把創新作為引領發展的第一動力,期望以此實現從要素驅動轉向創新驅動、從依賴規模擴張轉向提高品質效益,加快形成以創新為主要引領和支撐的經濟體系和發展模式。 “十三五”期間,中國將把發展基點放在創新上,增強自主創新能力,並從培育發展新動力、拓展發展新空間、深入實施創新驅動發展戰略、大力推進農業現代化、構建産業新體系、構建發展新體制、創新和完善宏觀調控方式等七個著力點,繪製、實施創新發展的路線圖。

innovation-driven development

Hi! Welcome to “About China”! In today’s program, we will talk about “innovation-driven development”.

As one of the five concepts for development put forward by China’s leadership, innovation-driven development focuses on what drives China’s development. Consideredthe most critical growth driver, innovation should be encouraged so as to propel the country’s transition from an input-driven economy to one driven by innovation, and from relying on expansion of scale to increasing efficiency. Efforts should be made to accelerate the process of building a development model for an economy driven and sustained by innovation.

During the 13th Five-year Plan (2016-2020) period, China will rely on innovation to boost its growth and reinforce its creativity. It will foster new driving forces, and expand the space for development in its implementation of the strategy of innovation-driven development. Modernization of agriculture will proceed full steam ahead, together with initiatives to build a new economic structure and a new institutional base that facilitates development, and encourage innovative improvements in macro-regulation.

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