#北大男生原創MV獻禮香港回歸25週年# 今日,由北京大學新聞與傳播學院香港學生江陽@江陽HK 創作的歌曲《紫荊》MV正式發佈。江陽邀請8所京港高校的24名青年學子共同演唱,表達青年一代對內地與香港攜手同行、同舟共濟的心願,並將一起“譜寫香江新故事、共創美好新未來”。
Jiang Yang, a #HongKong student from #PKU's School of Journalism and Communication, wrote the song “Bauhinia” to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. Together with another 24 college students from both Beijing and #HKSAR, Jiang said they hoped to sing out loud the young generation's expectation for Hong Kong and the Mainland to walk hand in hand towards a brighter tomorrow. #HK25