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Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia

Fabio Scano

時間:2019-06-10來源 : 中國網作者 : 佚名

Coordinator, Disease Control at WHO Country Office China

Dr. Scano is a public health specialist and holds a M.D. from University of Padua, Italy; a post graduate degree in Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine; and he is a Yale World Fellow.

Dr. Scano has been working for WHO for over a decade and, he took up many important assignments with WHO Headquarters in Geneva and in the field including South Africa to assist the country with the outbreak of XDR-TB in 2007.

Since 2013, Dr. Scano is Coordinator, Disease Control at WHO Country Office China. He is responsible for overall coordination of communicable diseases team (HIV, TB, Malaria, immunization program) and non-communicable diseases (with a focus on tobacco control, road safety, healthy cities and NCDs) with a focus on the interface with the ongoing health reform.

Dr. Scano has also worked with the National Medical Product Administration to ensure access to quality assured health commodities.

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