
哥本哈根皮草合作設計師Morten Ussing斬獲2017國際皮草設計大賽金獎

發佈時間: 2017-03-09 16:18:20   |  來源: 哥本哈根   |     |  責任編輯: 曹洋


Kopenhagen Fur's talented collaboration partner Morten Ussing is selected as one of the 10 finalists for the ReMix 2017 show and won the top prize. ReMix is a prestigious fur design competition attracting students from all over the world. Morten Ussing was selected from hundreds of international applications and will be showcasing three fur styles at a show taking place during Milan Fashion Week, February 24 2017.

作為哥本哈根皮草多才多藝的合作夥伴,Morten Ussing成功晉級為ReMix 2017國際皮草設計大賽時裝秀決賽的十強選手,並最終獲得金獎。ReMix是一項久負盛名的皮草設計大賽,吸引了來自世界各地的學生設計師參與其中。 Morten Ussing從數百名候選者中脫穎而出,他在2017年2月24日的米蘭時裝週期間走秀展示三件皮草款式作品。

The collection is inspired by Kristín Marja Baldursdóttirs book"Karitas - Untitled",a poor fisherman's daughter from Iceland who ends up as a true femme fatale and a well-known artist in the roaring and glamorous 20´s and 30´s Paris. The source of inspiration is further reflected by the colors that are drawn from the overwhelming Icelandic nature.

他的作品靈感源自Kristín Marja Baldursdóttirs的著作《Karitas傳記》,書裏講述了這個出生於冰島一個貧苦漁夫家庭的女孩,如何在上世紀二十至三十年代在燈紅酒綠的巴黎成為一名出色的交際花和知名藝術家的經歷。他所採用的顏色來自於冰島的自然風光,進一步突出了他的設計主題。

丹麥設計師Morten Ussing向評委闡述個人設計,並最終以獨特色彩印染毛皮設計征服了評委,獲得金獎。

"By exploring and experiencing the beautiful nature first hand, I've been inspired by the ice blue glaciers, the green fields and purple lupines. To fully understand and tell the story of Karitas' life, I have researched the workwear of Icelandic fishermen's families from the beginning of 1900, and the glamour of the French female artists from the 20´s. This creates an interesting dialog between the silhouettes, colors and the fur." Says Ussing.



The designs are developed in close collaboration with Kopenhagen Fur's internal workshop located in the heart of Copenhagen. Furrier, Mikkel Ø. Schou, describes how they spotted the collaboration partner:

"Morten is a graduate from Central Saint Martins that returned to Denmark quite recently. He launched his first collection last summer, which caught the attention of several people within the fashion-industry, including ours. There was something exciting about this new designer and his original use of colors and shapes. In other words, he provoked a curiosity and made us consider what could happen if we let him experiment with fur."

坐落在哥本哈根市中心的哥本哈根皮草設計中心也參與了這些服飾的開發過程,工藝技師Mikkel Ø. Schou對這位合作夥伴給出了這樣的評價:“Morten畢業于中央聖馬丁藝術與設計學院,最近這段時間才回到丹麥。去年夏天,他的首批作品吸引了時裝行業的業內人士的注意,其中就包括我們。作為一名新晉設計師,他的作品在顏色和廓形方面的確具有可圈可點之處。換句話説,他激發了人們的好奇心,以至於我們想看看他能用皮草設計出什麼花樣。”

This is not the first time Morten Ussing attracts attention from the Italian fashion industry. The talented designer's work was recently featured in Italian Vogue together with a group of other craftsmen.

這並非Morten Ussing第一次引起義大利時裝行業的注意。不久前,這位才華橫溢的設計師的作品還和其他設計師的作品一起刊登在了義大利的Vogue雜誌上。