Lyuguantun Village, Chenguantun Town, Jinghai District: New Trend of Farming & Learning Culture Tree, Revitalization of the Native Language

發佈時間:2023-08-01 14:59:33 | 來源 | 作者:Wang Jinkun,Pan Pan | 責任編輯:Sun Yue

Lyuguantun Village, Chenguantun Town, Jinghai District, Tianjin City, is a village situated along the south of Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. The villagers adhere to the tradition of”passing down farming & learning culture, attaching importance to education and learning” and has embarked on a road of good countryside governance. In 2022, farming & learning culture in countryside governance were embedded in the village, which was selected a typical case of national countryside governance in the fourth batch.


List of Top Scholars of Lyuguantun Village

Farming Culture Breeds Civilized Rural Style

Lyuguantun Village is a famous local cultural village. As soon as the reporter arrived, Wang Yajing, Senior Judge of the Third Rank of Tianjin Higher People’s Court and First Secretary of Lyuguantun Village, took the reporter to the village art gallery to visit the List of Top Scholars of the village. There are 1,769 people in 769 households in the village. At present, 43 masters and 15 doctors has been cultivated in the village.

From the names of the villagers on the List of Top Scholars of Lyuguantun Village, we find that some names share the same surname or the same first two characters. Wang Yajing introduced,”Most of these names with the same surname or first two characters come from the same family, because the tradition of passing down farming & learning culture has been formed in the village. For example, Wang Yuxin, Wang Yumei, Wang Xiaoyu, Wang Xiaojin and others. Wang Zhigang and Wang Zhizhen are brothers who both graduated from Tianjin Medical University with a doctor’s degree, and their nephew Li Yan graduated from Tianjin Medical University with a master’s degree.” It is learned that men, women and children in the village can basically write and draw, and most of them are guided by their elders or self-taught.

Since 2017, Lyuguantun Village has held a painting and calligraphy exhibition annually. The village art gallery has two rooms to display villagers’ calligraphy and painting works. The painting exhibition hall displays New Year paintings by Feng Qingju and Feng Yongsheng, and painting works by Zhu Fengchun and Zhu Xiuzun. Zhu Xiuzun also drew a farming painting on the outside wall of the village art gallery.


The 10th Golden Autumn Student Aid Commendation Conference in Lyuguantun Village was held on August 15, 2022

Lyuguantun Villagers attach great importance to education, and hold a golden autumn student aid commendation conference every year. The conference has been held for ten consecutive years. Teachers’ representatives, caring enterprises in the village, college students, high school students and junior high school students will be invited to conference and prizes will be awarded to outstanding students.


Figure 3:”Collection of Traditional Culture Stories of Lyuguantun Village”

Hometown Talents Activate the Management of Spring Water

In 2012, Zhu Jie proposed to Hu Yi, a retired teacher, the idea of setting up a special class to unite the villagers to write a”History of Lyuguantun Village”. In this proposal, each family will select a person in charge to collect information together. Hu Yi also compiled some of the stories and vague information collected into a”Collection of Traditional Cultural Stories of Lyuguantun Village”, which has enriched the village history.

In order to build the village into a better hometown, during the Spring Festival in 2012, Zhu Jie organized a return and visit meeting, inviting villagers who worked outside to get together to share ideas for better governance of their hometown. The villagers have also established a”Hometown of the Same Roots” and”Lyuguantun Fellow Villagers” WeChat groups. Every time the village organizes activities, the villagers discuss ideas in the groups. For those who actively help the village,”Meritorious Villager” and”Honorary Villager” certificates will also be issued in Lyuguantun Village. At present, a total of 28”Honorary Villagers” has been hired, including Li Feng, Chairman of the Calligraphers Association of Jinghai District, LIU Zhili, a member of the Tianjin CPPCC and a farmer calligrapher, who will come to write and paint when calligraphy activities are held in the village.

A”Light Up Studio” has also be formed in Lyuguantun Village to provide free legal services to villagers. For many years, there is no crime and is free from litigation in the village. Lyuguantun Village boasts a good rural civilization with prominent people governance, good governance and moral governance. Villagers get along well with each other.

(作者/王錦錕、潘攀 來源單位/天津農業農村委員會 翻譯/沈毅)