Xiliujurenzhuang Village, Dakoutun Town, Baodi District: Industry Flourishes in Many Ways, Making the Village Beautiful and the Villagers Rich

發佈時間:2023-08-01 14:53:46 | 來源:China.org.cn | 作者:Wang Jinkun,Pan Pan | 責任編輯:Sun Yue

In Xiliujurenzhuang Village, Dakoutun Town, Baodi District, Tianjin City, the edible rose planting base has entered the picking season.


Edible Rose Planting Base in Xiliujurenzhuang Village

From the very beginning of flower planting, to the whole industrial chain of edible roses now, Xiliujurenzhuang Village has sold its products all over China, and become a well-known”rose village” by virtue of its”beauty economy”. If the rose industry lays the foundation for the prosperity of the village, then ginger and taro planting enables the industry of Xiliujurenzhuang Village to flourish in many ways.


Villagers are Picking Roses

”Beauty Economy” Lays the Foundation for Prosperity

”In 2023, due to heavy rainfall and low temperature, the roses bloom late. In previous years, they were all picked at this time,” Ren Kelian, President of the Guangsheng Rose Planting Specialized Cooperative, is introducing the planting of edible roses in 2023,”The roses planted by the cooperative can be used both as medicine and food. They are ornamental and edible, and are also widely used in medicinal herb and spice processing. The base currently has a daily harvesting capacity of 3,000 to 4,000 jin. They sell well in 2023, with average daily sales of more than 100 orders. Through a combination of order-based and online platforms such as TikTok, we sell roses and other products across China. There are still many tourists from the Beijing and Hebei areas who drive themselves to the base to pick roses. Besides, our roses will be added to the forage to feed the mini-musk swine and free-range chickens in the farm, and can also be used to produce rose eggs,” Ren Kelian introduced that the current rose planting in the village covers nearly 1,000 mu, and approximately 150 villagers have participated in it, to improve the income of the villagers, as well as raise the labor income of 300 neighboring farmers.

In 2012, Wang Zhiguang was elected as the head of Xiliujurenzhuang Village. Once when he went to Yunnan, he found that the local rose planting was highly profitable. After returning to his village, he began to pay attention to the rose planting industry, looked up information online, studied in places such as Kunming in Yunnan Province, and Shouguang and Heze in Shandong Province, and invited experts from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Shandong and Tianjin to investigate the climate and soil in his village and select planting varieties. The first batch of rose seedlings was planted in the spring of 2014. As the rose base expanded, the villagers’ income increased significantly, and young people returned to the village to join this”romantic” industry.

Economy is Growing and Industry Flourishes in Many Ways

How can the collective economy of villages be boosted? Wang Zhiguang had another new idea, namely to grow ginger. As usual, Wang Zhiguang took the lead in trial planting, and planted 40 mu of ginger at his own expense. After a year of trial planting, he succeeded. With the experience of rose planting, Xiliujurenzhuang Village funded a village collective company and cooperated with an agricultural technology company in Shandong in planting 300 mu of ginger. Production materials such as ginger seeds and fertilizers were provided by the Shandong company.


(Figure 3) Ginger Plantation Greenhouses in the Village

”At present, ginger planting costs about 20,000 yuan per mu of land. The cost is rather high for farmers. So we found another way to replant taro. In contrast, taro costs about 2,000 yuan per mu of land. It is more profitable as it does not need any greenhouse or much watering, and its planting is relatively simple,” said the person in charge of the Baodi District Agriculture and Rural Committee.

In today’s Xiliujurenzhuang Village, its ginger and taro industries have grown from scratch, and the rose industry has flourished. In 2022, it obtained a collective operating income of 1.3 million yuan.


Day-Care Center for the Elderly in the Village

Better Supporting Facilities and More Comfortable Life for Villagers

In order to improve the living environment, the village has refurbished roads and constructed its sewerage network. Nowadays, Xiliujurenzhuang Village has taken the lead in the whole town to realize garbage classification; remarkable results have been achieved in improving the living environment in rural areas, 80 household toilets and 1 public toilet have been renovated and upgraded, 100% of rural residents have had access to sanitary toilets, and the rate of manure control in large-scale livestock and poultry farming has reached 100%; besides, the day-care service center for the elderly has provided free lunch for all the villagers aged 65 and above, and the village has gained the reputation of Rural Habitat Environment Improvement Demonstration Village and Tianjin Healthy Village.


View of Xiliujurenzhuang Village

In early summer, villagers in Xiliujurenzhuang Village saw rose blossoms, and expected a better life, and more and more prosperous rural revitalization!

(作者/王錦錕、潘攀 來源單位/天津農業農村委員會 翻譯/沈毅)