
發佈時間:2022-10-05 08:00:50 | 來源:中國網 | 作者:吳一凡 | 責任編輯:吳一凡



Cloth has been the most common fabric in people's daily lives since ancient times. People weave silk thread into various things, making it an integral part of Chinese culture. With a pair of scissors, a simple piece of cloth can turn into a masterpiece and describe thousands of vivid colors in the world.

As a national intangible cultural heritage, Xiao's cloth cutting art features a distinctive local style of Tianjin. China Internet Information Center (CIIC) launches a vlog program"SAVORING TIANJIN" to introduce the traditional cultures in Tianjin! Now please follow us to learn about one of them, Xiao's cloth cutting.




導演:吳一凡 常曉姣

統籌:李汀 吳一凡 王錦錕

外籍主持人:蘇小小 EKATERINA KALIGAEVA (白俄羅斯)

攝像:劉昌 王肇鵬 吳一凡

後期:劉昌 王肇鵬 王哲

鳴謝:天津市委網信辦 剪布肖品牌工作室