Preparing traditional food to welcome Mid-Autumn Festival Date:2022-08-03 10:37:22Editor:

People in east China's Shandong Province prepare a traditional (傳統的 chuántǒng de) dish called Yue'er (月兒) in the shape of a full moon (月亮 yuèliang), signifying good luck, to welcome the Mid-Autumn Festival, which falls on September 21 this year.

People show off their Yue'er in the shape of a full moon in Weifang, east China's Shandong Province, September 16, 2021. [Photo: VCG]

People show off their Yue'er in the shape of a full moon in Weifang, east China's Shandong Province, September 16, 2021. [Photo: VCG]

重點詞彙 Key word:

月 <名詞 n.>

1. moonYuèliang chūlái le.

月亮出來了。The moon comes out.

2. monthZhège yuè tā jiù shí sān suì le.

這個月她就十三歲了。She'll be thirteen this month.