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Namibia embraces 4th wave of COVID-19 pandemic: President

Namibia's President Hage Geingob on Tuesday said the rate of COVID-19 infections due to the Omicron variant have skyrocked, signaling the southwestern African nation is now in the fourth COVID-19 wave.

Geingob, on occasion of the 38th COVID-19 public briefing on national response to curb the spread of COVID-19, adjusted public gatherings from 500 to not more than 200 for both sports and other gatherings, under the new regulations which will be in effect midnight Dec. 16, 2021 to Jan. 15, 2022.

"No curfew will be imposed for the time being and trading hours for alcohol will remain unchanged, but this can be adjusted if the situation does not improve," he added.

Geingob called on non-vaccinated Namibians to go out and get vaccinated or receive their booster shots.

Source:Xinhua  Editor:zouyukun

(Source_title:Namibia embraces 4th wave of COVID-19 pandemic: President)
