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Photo show on Chinese innovation held in Uruguayan city of Rocha

A photo exhibition featuring Chinese innovation has come to the Uruguayan city of Rocha to mark the 33rd anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Uruguay and China.

Before Rocha, the photos had been on display in the capital city of Montevideo in September and in the southeastern Uruguayan city of Punta del Este in October.

"This visit further deepens the cultural, commercial and, above all, human ties and links" between Uruguay and China, said Alvaro Garofali, head of Rocha's Projects and International Cooperation Division.

Garofali mentioned the cooperative ties between his district and the Chinese provinces of Hainan, Guangdong, and Hebei, saying that in Hainan, "we recently had an important marketing event with the main companies in Rocha" that "enables the department to have important possibilities of marketing rice, meat, olive oil, and gourmet jams."

Alejo Umpierrez, mayor of Rocha, said Chinese Ambassador to Uruguay Wang Gang's visit to the area represents "a particular distinction that the Chinese government confers on us."

It is good news that a Chinese ambassador visits us, he said.

Umpierrez, who took office in December 2020, said that the twin relations with Chinese cities and provinces are highly important not only in the commercial aspect "but also in the cultural aspect, science, and development."

In his speech, Wang said the bilateral relationship has "made continuous progress" this year, adding that the General Assembly of the Uruguayan Parliament has founded a new Uruguay-China Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group and Uruguay officially joined BRICS New Development Bank.

China is Uruguay's biggest trading partner and largest overseas market, said Wang.

Located on the western coast of the Atlantic Ocean, Rocha Department is known for its rice, livestock, and forestry as well as tourism. 

Source:Xinhua  Editor:shijinyu

(Source_title:Photo show on Chinese innovation held in Uruguayan city of Rocha)
