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GLOBALink | NW China region consolidates achievements in poverty alleviation

Xihaigu, in northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, once one of the world's most uninhabitable places due to harsh environment, achieved a historic feat in eliminating absolute poverty.

In Nov. last year, the last poor county in the region was removed from the country's list of poverty-stricken counties.

In order to consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation, the region has made great efforts in promoting rural revitalization. Work is being done to improve people's livelihood, industry and ecological environment over the past year.

Hundreds of students from Xihaigu are enrolled at the Yuanzhou branch of the Fujian Feimaotui Technician School. They receive vocational training and have a promising future.

Wang Yulan's ecological chicken breeding base is located in Yabu Village, Pengyang County of Guyuan City. She started her business with 60 chickens. Now she has become one of the best local chicken breeding farmers.

In recent years, thanks to improving ecological environment, honey industry has become one of the pillar industries here.

Source:Xinhua  Editor:zouyukun

(Source_title:GLOBALink | NW China region consolidates achievements in poverty alleviation)
